3. My Name Is Trouble

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The seconds crawl by as I watch the clock across from me. Painfully so. I clasp my hands together and within seconds of doing so I unclasp them. Before repeating the exact same action again. My left leg is bouncing up and down at a rapid rate, as if that is going to expel the nervous energy flooding my system.

To say that I am nervous is an understatement.

The monochrome walls do nothing to entertain someone as they wait for their therapy session. Even the artwork displayed upon the walls are not interesting enough to capture my attention, they just look like blobs. There aren't even any people around to make mindless small talk with. The atmosphere really leaves you alone with your thoughts, which is not always a good thing.

I know what you did that night.

Shame if that would come out.

Mona's voice joins Ian's making me reconsider whether I need therapy. I am pretty sure that hearing a symphony of negative voices within your mind is never a good sign. Like it was last time.

The door to my right creaks open. The sound causing me to flinch as it echoes in my ears. The silence making the noise louder than it probably is or I am jumpy as hell. Either way, more nerves than I thought possible fill me, making the floor underneath my still jumpy leg become the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Hey," a warm voice greets causing me to look up.

The most intimidatingly beautiful girl I have ever seen is smiling at me. She must stand at about 5ft 8 and there isn't a single ounce of unnecessary fat on her stature. Her skin is the color of caramel and there isn't a single blemish in sight, making me feel very self-conscious about the mini volcano brewing on my brow. Her high cheekbones could cut glass if they wanted and they are framed by her chestnut curls. If it wasn't for her hazel eyes holding some sort of empathy and her warm smile, I would have instantly disliked her on the account of her perfection. Seriously, she looks like she could have walked out of a photoshoot not her own appointment.

"Hi," I respond, trying to steady the waver in my voice. Partly due to nerves and partly because I feel so intimidated right now.

"First time?"


"You are going to be fine. Dr. Scott is one of the best after all. You are in good hands," she reassures, "you are doing better than me already... I never made it to my first appointment."

"Miss Montgomery?" a voice calls from the open door.

"That's you," the girl smiles, gesturing to the door she just came out of, "I have the same appointment every week so I will probably see you again. Good luck."

She sends me one last sunny smile, before pushing the door and leaving the building. I watch her for a few moments as she walks across the street, wondering what brought her here. I guess that it proves that even the seemingly perfect can be emotionally damaged and need therapy. And she was so nice but sadly, I never caught her name.

I figure that I shouldn't delay it anymore and take a deep breath to steady my nerves. I walk forward, putting my hands together in the hopes to stop the shaking.

"Hi Miss Montgomery, I am Dr Scott," the new voice introduces herself, holding out her hand. I can now finally place a face to the voice.

Luckily, I didn't need to feel any height envy with this woman as she only stood a few inches taller than me. Although I would love to have her fiery red hair but that is besides the point.

I didn't take her hand, instead I offer a small smile.

"Sit," she smiles, gesturing to the sofa, "may I call you Alyssa?"

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