13. Know Your Frenemies

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A shuffling to the right of me rouses me out of my deep slumber. A groan emits from my lips before I could stop it, the dream I was having fading before I even opened my eyes.

With great reluctance, I open my eyes to the pitch-black room. Not my own room I hasten to add. Blinking a few times my vision adjusts to the dim light. I pull the covers back and push myself upwards into a sitting position, finally seeing the cause of the disruption.

"Spence, what are you doing?" I grumble, the distance to my sleep making me sound groggy.

" I hear people talking downstairs," She whispers back. She sounds alert and awake, making me wonder if she has got any sleep.

I have been here since the party, patching up Spencer's broken heart. She is more upset about the whole Alex situation that she let the others know. Not that I am in great shape either, considering I am being haunted by boyfriends past and current. After taking turns pouring our hearts out to each other we boycotted homework for the rest of the weekend. Spending the Sunday in our PJs, eating chocolate and watching movies. The Notebook especially, that is one of Spencer's favourites. When she is sad we watch it over and over again, I am pretty sure we both know it by heart by now.

Spencer's words immediately wake me up. The last time someone was in her house it was A; okay Wren was there too but it was A. Alertness fills my senses as I get up properly and pad my way over to the door. Spencer taking the lead like always.

She opens her door slowly. It creaking as a stream of light floods both of our faces. Both of us passing the doors on either side of us before making our way to the stairs.

The whispering is louder now, two soft voices murmuring to each other reaches my ears. Spencer stops for a moment at the top of the stairs, mentally debating if we should go further down the stairs to properly investigate. I daren't even breathe, because even that subtle noise may alert the intruders of our presence.

I have become as still as a statue, worried to even move an inch. Spencer on the other hand has started to creep down the stairs. Her bare feet sinking into the cream carpet as she gets halfway down. She pauses for a second, her foot hovering a moment before she makes a step downwards.

A creak sounds in both of our ears, causing Spencer to turn around in alarm. Her face white and her hair unravelling she runs up the stairs, two at a time. Grabbing my frozen hand, she tugs be back to her room. My arm being pulled so violently I thought that she was going to dislocate it from my shoulder. A small sound of protest emits from my lips as she gives on more mighty tug into her room. Shutting the door behind us.

"Was that necessary?" I whisper as I pull my covers up to my chin. "Spence, you didn't need to tug so hard."

Spencer's laptop makes a noise, interrupting whatever Spencer was going to respond with, causing us to both look at each other, confusion crosses on both of our faces. Spencer pads over to the device to see who messaged her at this ungodly hour.

Opening it, the blue light illuminates her face, making it look as white as a sheet. She fumbles around for a few moments before opening her email. The familiar feelings of shock and dismay settle in my gut as we both read the message.

Married for love or an Alibi? -A


"God his stuff is everywhere," I comment, the next morning. This is about the 5th time I've walked into a box this morning alone. To say I am cranky about the fact is an understatement.

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