2. The Jenna Thing

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I want to before you read on to dedicate  this chapter to -SerpensBlack because if she didn't encourage me to write on after chapter 1 this book. It would be unfinished online forever.


We are sitting in the Grille now, absorbing the days events as we eat bread. The atmosphere between the five of us is tense to say the least. I have been staring at my glass of soda waiting for someone to break the silence that we have become accustomed to.

"Why was Jenna there?" Aria asks, finally breaking the silence.

"I guess she is back," Spencer says. No really?

"No really? I thought that it was a hologram in the church today," I state, rolling my eyes at them. Aria just gives me a look and I shut it. I seem to be getting those a lot lately, my lack of filter is becoming a issue.

"That cop acted like we were suspects or something ," Hanna adds. The cop has clearly rattled her cage.

"Do you think we looked guilty?" Em asks from my right.

"Don't worry Emily. We have nothing to be guilty of," I reassure, even though the knot in my gut says otherwise, "Do we?"

"Except lie about the Jenna thing," Hanna points out.

Spencer leans forward urgently whilst saying, "We promised that we never bring up the Jenna thing again, remember?"

"We promised a dead girl you mean, " I say, " If the shoe was on the other foot wouldn't Ali have turned us in?"

We all go quiet at what I say. I can see the girls processing what I said but it is true. Wouldn't Alison jump at the opportunity to create more drama? Even if it is to put one of us behind bars. Me for example?

"It never happened." Spencer affirms.

"Have you found a way to forget?" Aria asks. Hanna has got her silver flask out again and was liberally pouring it into her drink.

"I still wake up sometimes in the middle of the night..."

"Aria, it was an accident," Spencer interrupts adding stress to the last word. She seems to be trying to persuade herself more than anything.

"It's medical," Hanna says to no one in particular, "cramps." Before taking a big sip of her newly alcoholic beverage.

She was talking to the judgemental guy in the corner. Who even though he has got a ring line on his wedding finger and a woman sat across from him, he is not wearing his ring. Across from him was definitely not his wife. I turn away from him in disgust. He barely has a leg to stand on when it comes to judging people, even underage drinking.

"I don't get it. How does -A know something about me only Alison knew?" Emily asks.

"Alison wasn't exactly a vault Em. Unless it was her own secrets. Someone probably guessed by all those little digs that she made with us all," I say, stirring the straw in my drink.

"Ali knew all our secrets. Except Alyssa's. But we never knew any of hers,"

"I knew some."

"Go on."



"I can't," Spencer says looking around at us all from the rim of her coffee mug.

"Spence! No, you are not gonna drop a bomb like that and just calm up!"

"So spill the beans," I say, ignoring the obvious coffee pun in there.

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