8. Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone

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Slight trigger warning on this one guys I'll put an * at the beginning and end of it. That is the reason it's late, it hit slightly to close to home whilst writing.


"Aria you are rubbish at this," Mike teased, holding a lacrosse sick that is nearly the same height as him.

"Well we cannot be all naturally gifted at this sport as you and 'Liss," Aria joked.

She never could pronounce my name. Especially, when we both simultaneously lost our front teeth. The gap between our teeth caused us to lisp each others names. Hence where the nicknames Lissa and Ari came from.

Aria and I are 8, teaching Mike how to play lacrosse, he is 6. He had a natural ability to play, that will later become his passion. And will surpass my own talent in the field.

The images shift to a classroom. Tonnes of heads are concentrating on the different congregation's on the board. This was the first class that I had ever had without my twin, and I was scared stiff. AP French in 6th grade.

This was the first time I had met Spencer Hastings and Mona Vanderwaal. The two girls were clones of each other. Both competing viciously for the top place in the class. And both drawing up short.

Mrs Demionen was handing back our French quizzes. The scarlet scores located on the left corner of the paper. Starting to dictate if we were on the road to an Ivy, even this early on.

100 mine read. 98 read Mona's. And Spencer's not falling far behind me with a 99. The race for valedictorian was born then, in the hallowed walls of the French room.

I'm 15 now, in Alison's bedroom with the girls. Alison had mocked Lucas so much that she spread a rumour that he is a hermaphrodite. Half boy and half girl. Which was horrible.

Jason and I had been seeing each other for a few weeks now. Sneaking little kisses here and there. Preparing and going on adventures,  just the two of us. That's what we called them. In reality it was picnics in the woods.

More images flickered though my field of vision but too quickly for me to grasp on them. They slipped away as quickly I grabbed on to them. As useless as grabbing water, which ultimately trickles out of your fingers. Is this death feels like? Seeing your whole life flash before your eyes.

Pain starts to prickle in the muscles surrounding my eyelids. As my eyes start to open painfully slowly.

The harsh light hurts my eyes. The stark whiteness of the ceiling above me makes it hurt my vision even more.

The vison sharpens as I start to take in my surroundings. My head feels heavy, like lead, as I try and move to see around me. A tube coming out of my arm and is hooked on to a machine.

"Careful 'Liss you are heavily sedated due to your head," My sister warns.

I hadn't noticed that my sister was in the chair beside to me. And she looked like she has been through hell. There are bags under her eyes that indicate how little sleep she has had.

"Wha..happened?" I ask. Knowing if I am I a hospital bed I must look worse.

"Someone attacked you. Knocked you out. You have had stitches in your head, the gash was so big... I found you on our driveway in a pool of  your own blood," She explains. I can now see the worry upon her face, three little lines have become prominent in the midst of her brow.

"Explains so much. Why I feel like utter.." I manage to choke out with an ounce of humour.

"Crap?" Aria finishes for me, a small smile fighting to break out.

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