11. Moments Later

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The sirens of the blood red ambulance flash violently, illuminating the surroundings in a harsh blue glow. Two paramedics are lifting Hanna's lifeless body into the back. Coms buzzing with voices. People from Camp Mona gathered around the chaos, drawn to it like a moth would be to a flame.

It feels like an out of body experience. I feel like I am looking down at the five figures, all of them painted with shock. I want to float away from this. Or even better, turn back time to prevent it. Either way, it has ignited a thirst for revenge in me.

Hurt me, fine. But hurt my friends...you are dead meat.

"We have to get to the hospital. Are you guys okay to drive?" asks Spencer, snapping me back into reality.

"Yeah, I guess so," Emily responds, her eyes glistening with worry.

"I should go with them," I say to Noel, "We aren't done talking about what you saw."

Without waiting for his response, I walk over to my sister and we rush to Emily's car.

"Did anyone else notice Noel wearing a black hoodie?" Aria asks.

I haven't been able to keep still fo the last half an hour, therefore I've been pacing back and forth. Not caring about the amount of mud I am trekking through the hospital waiting room.  Spencer has been doing the exact same, holding the back of her neck due to stress, she is on the phone filling her parents in.

Emily and Aria are seated on the plush grey chairs doing the exact same. My job was to fill in Ashley once she made it here, which she did, 20 minutes ago.

Movement out of the corner of Spencer's eye causes her to hang up the phone abruptly. With half-hearted promises to call back once she gets more news.

Ashley Marin walks up to us. The worry on her face making her look like she has aged a good couple of years. But there is a little spark in her eyes, making me believe that Hanna is okay. She is also clutching her bag tight, like it is going to run away from her.

"Is she okay, Mrs. Marin?" Aria prompts. Getting up out of her seat to face the newcomer.

"She is going to be alright," Ashley confirms. This spreads a wave of relief through us but the look on Ashley's face shows she wasn't done. "She, uh... she has a broken leg and a broken ankle, bruised ribs, and they might have to remove her spleen," she continues before looking at Spencer urgently, "What happened?!"

Spencer stood frozen. Her mouth slightly agape as she tried to come up with a plausible reason why Hanna was in a parking lot and not at Camp Mona.

Luckily, my sister steps in, telling Mrs Marin what happened, her voice quivering slightly. "Hanna was coming across the parking lot and this car just came out of nowhere," Aria explains.

"Well the police found the car," Ashley comments ruefully, "Thank you for memorising the number plate Alyssa. They said it was stolen from a campground lot."

"Did they catch the driver?" Emily presses. Wanting the person responsible to be caught.

"No, not yet."

"Well, the cops should be looking for Toby Cavanaugh," Spencer suggests. She is still on the Toby is A train.

"It wasn't Toby Cavanaugh. The police picked him up last night."

"What?" Emily exclaims.

"One of the officers told me that's they found him hiding in town, and they were bringing him in to the station when they got the call about Hanna," Ashley sighs," you girls should go home. I will call you when Hanna can have visitors."

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