22. For Whom the Bell Tolls

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I run through the identical twisting corridors, my footsteps echoing every time I tread on the hard floor.  The walls are dark, devoid of all colour, and identical making me wonder if I will ever get out of this labyrinth.

"You cannot hide from me Alyssa," a voice taunts from behind me, "especially now you know who I am."

I fight the urge to scream. The air getting trapped in my throat as I start to run faster, suffocating me from the inside out: I feel the blood trickling down my face from the wound I sub-stained earlier. The warm liquid trickling into the corner of my mouth.

Hastily I wipe the blood with my hand, causing it to smear across my cheek. Not caring about getting blood everywhere.

I take the next right.

The footsteps behind me quieten. I stop briefly, trying to calm my frantic breaths. I can hear my heart pounding within my ears, loudly like the beat of a drum. I need to get out of here.

As if the gods had listened to me a door to my left slowly creaked open. The sound causing me to grimace as it vibrates in my ears. A fresh breeze flittering through. The taste of freedom micrometers away.

Slowly and as quietly as possible I make my way over to the door. My hand reaching for the handle. Twisting it. I pull the door open and come face to face with my assailant.

A barrel of a gun, inches away from my face. A cold smile forms on her blood red lips.

"I've got you now," Mona smiles.

I finally let out that scream.

My eyes snap open. Cold beads of sweat beginning to form on my forehead from the intensity of the dream. I fight the urge to scream out, something I wanted to do but shouldn't. I think screaming would not be a nice wake up for my sister.

I blink a few times, clearing away the sleep in my eyes, and I stare at the ceiling. The cream white ceiling with wooden beams across it. I realise with a sudden jolt that I do not recognise this ceiling, and do not know where I am.

Panic floods me, causing me to sit upright in bed. I keep my arms glued to the sheet, knowing if I moved too fast the sheet would just slide off me.

I take in my surroundings for a quick survey. Lots of books crammed into a shelf to my right, mainly about anatomy but there are a few chemistry ones dotted about. Posters on the wall of cars. Dr scrubs screwed up at the top of an overflowing hamper. My clothes scattered about the floor, including my undergarments. Green sheets underneath my fingertips that feel so soft to touch. A rumpled pillow beside me that looks like it's been slept on.

Wait a minute. I look back at the floor to confirm what I had just seen. Yup, my clothes are still scattered about, like leaves in fall. I do not want to look under the covers as a sinking sensation in my chest already confirms my worst fear.

I slept with the guy that owns this room.

Oh god, I slept with the guy that owns this room.

Oh shit.

I swing my legs out of the bed, flinching slightly as my bare feet touched the wooden floor. Ahhh it's cold. Once I get used to the temperature I dart around, collecting my clothes and dressing as fast as I could. There is a sharp rap at the door just as I finish pulling my shirt on. Pulling the fabric down so I am all covered.

"Can I come in?" a voice asks, undoubtedly male.

I suddenly feel very awkward. Standing in the middle of his room barefoot. I still haven't found my shoes. And I know that I am going to have to make some kind of small talk with the guy on the other side of the door. What kind of thing do you say the morning after a one night stand? Thank you?

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