19. A Person of Interest

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Ah gotta love the police in this town, as usual, they have completely missed the real suspect and blamed us. I guess five young girls with a talent for lying is easier to use as a scapegoat than actually doing their jobs.

I knew it was a trap as soon as I saw the trophy in Spencer's hands. It was a little too convenient that a trophy with Ian's name on it and smeared with blood came into our possession. I don't like the guy but even he is smart enough to not leave the evidence of a murder where someone can find. Especially five girls that are deliberately looking for clues to pin him for Alison's murder. He would have the common sense to dispose of it by now.

I'm still in my interview. Apparently, along with Spencer, they have had an eye on me for quite a while as a suspect. I trace patterns in the cold steel table in front of me, refusing to say a word until mom finishes up with Aria. I can see a pair of cuffs to one side of me. The metal circles mocking me in an attempt to unnerve me. They remind me that if I let out what actually happened that night, they'd encircle my wrists for life. There is also a camera, the red light blinking every few seconds as it records me sitting here. Must be interesting watching a girl sitting alone. I am prime-time entertainment.

The door opens, creaking painfully as my mom and the friendly detective enter the room. Although since he is trying to charge me with accessory to murder or even murder, I think a name change is in order. How does the unfriendly detective sound? At least he isn't an asshole like Detective Wilden was.

They both look tired and worn. I guess that I am the last interview of the day, holding everyone up and preventing them to go home. My mom looks like she wants to be anywhere but here. Her brown eyes dull and lifeless as she settles down into the seat next to me. I can see her mentally preparing herself for round two of interrogating.

"This has been a long day for all of us," the Detective says, "shall we cut the pleasantries and just get down to it?"

I bite my lip, this isn't the place to make some sarcastic comment, and I taste the metallic tang of my blood fill my mouth. I resist the urge to gag as I nod in response. Plus, the migraine is still going strong, so strong I feel like someone is personally drilling a hole into my brain.

"That would be a good idea," Ella sighs.

"Let's start with this... who is Ian Thomas?"


After about an hour of questions, he finally released us. We walk out of the of the room to find that none of the others had left. The room is filling up with officers slowly, as a constant stream of them come in and out of the big double doors. I seem to have come out just in time to see the night shift officers arrive.

But in this sea of faces, I am only looking for four, the four that have just gone through the same as I did.

I finally spot the faces that I am looking for. My eyes finally settle on their identical pair. I break away from our mom and run over to my sister, not caring the hassle that I'm causing.

Aria senses that I am coming in for a hug, and opens her arms just in time for me to collapse into them. I breathe in her familiar scent and it instantly calms the whirlwind of emotions that have been building for the last hour. What started off as calm did slowly build up to a panic attack of sorts.

"Why did they keep you in so long?" she asks quietly as we pull apart. So quietly even the other three couldn't overhear.

"They wanted to talk about Jason and that night," I reply to the floor, not to her face.

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