18. The Badass Seed

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"You are so Sam, Lissa, he's smart, kind and romantic," Aria says, looking up from the screen and at me.

The last few days we have gotten into Supernatural. I still think that she is trying to distract me from my break up from Noel, she isn't convinced that I am fine. So, therefore, we started a new addiction, 6 years too late but we can binge. If only the Winchester brothers were real, maybe we would have got rid of A by now.

I roll my eyes at her. "And that would make you Dean. The older badass?" I smile, "seems pretty legit. Except I am sarcastic like Dean and you are definitely the romantic."


"Are you two arguing over which Winchester brother you are going to marry?" Mike teases, poking his head around the door.

Aria just responds by throwing the closest book at his head. Missing his head by a couple of centimetres.

"You are just jealous that there isn't any female eye candy in the show Mike," I grin.

Mike rolls his eyes at us. "Yeah totally. I'm so jealous that I can't sit and watch with you two nerds."

"Shh Mike it's starting," Aria hushes just as the now familiar bars of carrying on my Wayward Son begin to play.

"You better run Mikey before we sing!" I grin.

"You know I used to like that song before you two started singing it."

"Carry on my wayward son."  Aria starts.

"For there'll be peace when you are done," I continue.

Mike places both hands over his ears. "Ahhh my poor ears!" He cries out dramatically before running off.

Aria and I just look at each other and burst into manic laughter at our brother's expense. After we finally calmed down, we settled down for another blood pumping finale.


"If you are trying out for The Badass Seed, you need to sign up here and wait by the auditorium door until your name is called," Mr Fitz's voice echoes out, "Thank you,  and good luck."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Some genius thought that it would be a good idea for us all to audition for the school play. The idea of standing up on stage makes me feel nauseous. Aria gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, as she knows that this is difficult for me. I know that I am going to bail before mine, the idea of standing on stage scares me that much.

"Start with the line about the stolen medal," Spencer orders. She wants to as word perfect as possible before she goes in, ensuring that she gets a good role.

"Why isn't she wearing any shoes?" Hanna asks, looking at some of the other hopefuls.

"So she can look short enough to play an eight-year-old," I say, following her gaze and landing on Diana. She is going to be incredibly lucky if she can, at 5'7 she isn't the shortest of people.

"What's my line?" Spencer asks.

This question was directed at Emily, who is holding a script in her hands. Her big doe eyes scanning the page in front of her trying to find the line that Spence is referring to.

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