1. It's Alive

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This is the start of part/season 2, that's why the chapters have been numbered from 1 upwards 😊

Dedicated to sarasong101  and Too_Many_Fandoms_3 both of your unwavering support of me and this book have been a godsend. ❤️


I instantly knew it was a mistake, but I couldn't take it back. The message is sent. I just hope that the clenching feeling in my stomach goes before I throw up. I don't know if that is my head talking or the guilt, but both are making me feel like I am in a boat. Nauseous with no escape. I feel a wave of nausea hit, causing me to double over in the street.

I feel someone place their palm in the small of my back, rubbing gently to reassure me that it is okay to let it all out. Drawing small circles into my back. Which I never understood how it soothes people, but it really does.

"He wasn't moving, okay?" Aria comments quietly, so quietly that I had to strain to hear her words over the sirens. "And he was not breathing."

"Because he was dead," Emily says.

"Is dead. Not was, is," Spencer corrects.

"So, unless we're saying that Ian's a zombie, someone moved the body."

"Yes... Emily... make me picture Ian as a member of the walking dead whilst I am hunched over trying not to puke," I mutter under my breath as another wave of nausea hits.

"It was probably stuffed into the truck of A's car," Hanna continues as they didn't hear me.

"It's probably on its way to a meat grinder."

"Okay Em," I interrupt bringing myself up, "Not when I am trying to not lose my dinner. You seriously got to quit watching those horror movies." Emily at least looks apologetic at my comment.

"You guys," Spencer says, lowering her voice to a mere whisper, "A's probably watching us right now."

"Anyone of these people could be A."

I look around the sea of people that are watching the sea with grim fascination. Trying to find Mona's face within the crowd. Knowing that she is the real tormentor. But I cannot see her. Was Spencer, right? Or does Mona have a whole set of minions doing her bidding?

"Yeah, half the town is here."

Garrett Reynold's decides to stroll up to the group then, making whatever sarcastic comment I was going to make die upon my tongue. His normally playful expression absent as he scrutinises the group. Probably to make sure that we are all here before, so he doesn't have to repeat what he wants to say.

"They wanna see you girls down at the station. Especially you Alyssa as you must file a report for your assault. I am here to drive you," his brown eyes fall over the five of us, "well most of you. Five of you will not fit into the car."

"Um, I saw our parent's earlier Aria. I can catch a lift to the station with them?" I volunteer, "Mom is probably worried, and I bet you she makes us go to the hospital to make sure that I am 100% okay. I can tell them that you are going with Officer Reynolds?"

Aria bites her lip. I can tell that she doesn't like that plan. That ideally, she would have wanted to come with me but the look on the officer's face told her not to protest. She gives a shaky nod.


The others make their way to the police car, with Hanna sliding into the front seat, but oddly he doesn't follow. Instead, he stays behind with me, regarding me with a sense of urgency hidden in his eyes.

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