2. The Goodbye Look

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Turns out, no they are not going to separate twins, but we are not allowed to see our friends. This brings a mild sense of relief for a few moments but then the mild crushing feeling that I am not allowed to see my best friends' hits.

Not that it stopped us from sneaking out in the middle of the night when Spencer texts us an SOS. And all five of us are shivering our asses off watching Melissa's phone waiting for a response. Ian seems to be alive, proving us all wrong, and has been texting Melissa. Which makes sense in a way because she is carrying his child but if he was truly alive, why isn't he here supporting her by being here?

A rustling of leaves captures our attention from the fact that the person we are corresponding with knew what Melissa and Ian were calling their baby. Panic floods me as we realize that we are not alone. A door slams to our right causing me to jump out of my skin, directly colliding with Aria. The pale moonlight illuminating that it isn't me just panicking but the others are as well.

Aria breathes heavily in my ear like she is trying her best not to scream. "did things just get incredibly worse?" she asks, trying her best to keep her voice steady.

"I can't believe this. Ian's dead," Emily adds.

I know what you did that night.

I bite my lip. My teeth grazing my skin just enough for a drop of blood to blossom there. Fear floods through me as the gravity of the situation sinks in. I notice that my hands are starting to shake as if that will expel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I clasp them together tightly in the hopes that they will stop.

If Ian is still alive then he can out what I did.

"No, zombies don't text," Hanna says, her voice rising an octave, "okay, he's alive somewhere."

"Spence," I say, directing my attention to the shell-shocked girl. My voice snapping her out of whatever trance she was in.

"I have to get this phone home before Melissa realises that it is gone."

Spencer turns and starts walking towards the exit, her pale coat swaying around her ankles. Only to stop walking when Emily speaks. "Put it back, then what do we do?" she asks.

"Do we call the cops?"

"Oh, yeah, because that always works out so well for us," I comment, not bothering to hide the underlying sarcasm in my words.

"Why is Ian texting Melissa?" Aria presses.

"And why is Melissa answering him?" Hanna follows up with her own question.

"Is she?" Emily says, "I mean, we don't know how long this has been going on."

"Spencer, we gotta find out what Ian told Melissa. You're the only one who can find out what he wants," Aria's voice raises, not bothering to be quiet anymore as desperation leaks into her tone.

Something directs my attention upwards as Aria carries out her words. A scratching noise on the glass. I gently nudge Hanna and point upwards towards the source causing her brow to furrow in confusion.


"And where he is."

"GUYS!" I shout, causing the conversation to cease. Silence envelopes us for a few moments before the scratching noise continues. I can now clearly see that someone, probably Mona, is throwing pinecones at the ceiling.

My flight response kicked in just as Spencer says, "let's get out of here."

"Thank God, " I mutter before making my way over to the exit as fast as possible. Not going to lie, this place sets me on edge in more ways than one.

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