3. To Kill a Mocking Girl

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Hey guys! I just want to dedicate this chapter to _XxNatyxX_ as a thank you for all the support.


"Okay, tell me what happened," I press my sister.

She just came back from a errand in the rain. She is dripping from head to toe and is leaving pearl -like spheres upon our floor.  But she doesn't care about that as she has a massive grin etched on her features.

I decided not to join them last night because Spencer and I were completing our Latin papers together via email. Until she was interrupted by Wren and got a cheeky kiss. Yes you read that correctly, she kissed her sisters fiance and now she just told me he got kicked out. Like she didn't see that coming.  Due to the kissing insident I didn't finsh my paper, making Aria go into the rain by herself.

"Aria?" I repeat, snapping my fingers in front of her face.

She suddenly comes back to the real world and looks at me slightly annoyed. "Why did you do that?" She snaps but as she realises its me her features soften, "Oh god 'liss I am sorry.."

"No worries Ari, you can never offend me," I reassure.

"Okay..." She responds unconvinced, "What were you saying?"

"I was asking you what happened? You look in bliss but you are clutching your phone so hard that your knuckles are white. Kind of a neat juxtaposition but that is beside the point." I summarise for my sister.

"Do you want the explanation for the white knuckles or the bliss first?" She asks.

"White knuckles. Lets end with the bliss high," I respond to her, "But as you explain can you please stop dripping on the floor?"

She looks down at the puddles that she is forming on the floor and notices her clothes. She instantly starts pulling her shoes off whilst chucking me her phone. I read the text message on her phone and understand her white knuckles.

When students kiss teachers, someone gets HURT. That's the promise I'll keep... -A

"That makes sense," I say. Why doesn't this A person target me? Admittedly my Jason secret has been exposed but I don't want last years to come out.

"That isn't even the worse part. Dad might be seeing Meredith again.. she works at dad's work now. All those late nights.." Aria explains wringing her socks out.

"WHAT!" I exclaim rather loudly before noticing my volume and turning it down before proceeding, "He might be seeing her?! God that ... Aria you are getting water everywhere."

I run and grab a towel and start mopping up the puddles as she starts to place her wet clothes in the laundry bin. I then get another for her hair, which she takes gratefully.

"Why do I sense this text has double meaning?" I ask the guilty faced girl, "Oh you didn't did you?!"

"I did. You know that it was torture last night at the movies," She starts to explain. I do know about that. "I saw him on my errand. It was harmless. He was only meant to give me a lift and I couldn't be in close proximity to him with out you know..."

"Kiss him?! Oh god Ari you are in deep aren't you?" I ask as she pulls on her sweats and a hoodie.

"I think I am," She sighs, "Anyway, Mum arrived with dinner when I was coming upstairs so lets go down."


Trekking through the woods on a Saturday  morning is normally is teenage girls idea of hell, esspecally when it is at an abnormal time in the morning.

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