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Peter had looked day and night for his love. Yet, he never found her, only hints that he knew of. 

There were claims of sirens with wings of gold. That they sing to save and protect, not to kill. Though there is always one that was different than the others. There was one that seemed to always look sadden and guilty. 

Her voice was the strongest, the leader all knew as her wings were far grander. She would walk on the water and help any way she could or she would sing a melody that all the other mermaids knew. 

That is what the people call these wonderful creatures. There are still legends of those sirens and some still exsit. Not many and they don't live in a pod. They never will be now that their Queen is no longer alive. 

Peter looked over all his papers again. On each one was an item. An item he knew that he had given to her. To his Cascata. 

First was a book. It was enchnated to only be read by her and to go under water. One his last gifts to her. 

The second one was a golden braclet with his symbol on it. 

The third was a pair of red shoes that she had once loved. 

All the items were things she had cherished... Things he had once given her. They were still enchanted. 

The last thin he had ever given her... Was the ribbon... The silver ribbon he still has yet to see. 

"I'll find you, my siren." He mutters as he let a few tears fall. 

The Pirate King wasn't the same when she started to leave behind the clues. He began to kill all his enemies in the most horrible ways known to man. Even ways to not be mentioned. The one thing that stayed the way, was his love. And his love alone. 

Killer's LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ