Bite Me

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Peter's dream was getting worse... Well, more sinful really... He needed to wake up, but he didn't want to stop doing the things his mid says that he should do to the woman.

"Peter... Captain, wake..." Her siren voice moaned.

"Peter!" Someone yelled in his ear, causing him to jump off the bed.

His huge comforter fell on top of him as well. This was in his favor as he soon realized that his lower area was aching. He didn't like that the more pleasurable way was not going to work.

Taking the sheet off of his head, he looked at his second in command. Miniere. She looked pissed!

"What!" He snapped at her.

"We've reached the port, sir. Thought you needed to know." She growled out.

He waved a dismissive hand at her. Even though she was scowling, she walked out. Meaning that left Peter and Cascata in the same room.   

"I'm going to go take some water... Don't come in... Please..." Her eyes begged him not to go near the bathroom. They were just so worried filled that he felt like he had no choice, but to oblige to her words.

"Okay... Make it fast, me and you are going shopping." He said with a smile.

Her eyes seemed to brighten up as she gave out a girlish giggle. With a quick nod of her head, she ran to the bathroom.

It wasn't because she wanted to go shopping with him... She had to keep herself from killing him. A siren needs blood of something living, without it they slowly lose their sanity... For the first ones, it goes very slowly... It's painful for them... Very painful...

Silent tears fell down her face as she turned on the bathtub. She had to make him think that she was really needing water. Sirens can adapt to land if they were given time, but they still would need water now and then.

Sinking to her knees, she pulled up her sleeve to show the scars of her biting herself to keep from hurting other people.

"One last time... Then I run... Run far from here... Run to save them..." She hiccupped, more tears streaming down her face.

She hated that she was hurting herself for pirates, but they were all nice to her! Hell, she fell for one! She didn't have the heart to kill any of them, they were different from the people that she had killed. Very different from all the other pirates...

Raising her arm to her mouth, she bit down on the skin. A few droplets of rich, red blood fell onto her dress, but she wasn't worried for she had brought in extra clothes for that reason.

Peter watched in shock as Casy drank some of her blood. She looked so sad, and a little bit angry. Anger rose in his body s he felt the need to know why she was doing that to herself, and it was obvious that she had been doing it for a few weeks by now.

Not even knocking he walked in silently. Her back was to him as she was cleaning her arm to keep it from getting infected.

"Why did you bite yourself?" A deep voice sounded behind the siren causing her to jump.

Fear racked her body as she saw the anger in his gray eyes, making them darker. She hated that she was making him angry, yet she had to do that.

"B-because... Sirens can't live very long without blood... Without living blood... Blood of an animal even would be fine for us..." She murmured, trying to avoid his eyes. She felt scared he'd hit her, hurt her...

Yet, he did something she didn't really expect him to do. He hugged her! Her nose smelled his blood, making her not hug him back or she would bite him... She didn't want to hurt him. She couldn't hurt him.

"Hey... It's alright... Go ahead..." He whispered softly in her sensitive ears.

In seconds the siren's body reacted to his words without her consent! Cascata's arms wrapped around him tightly, possessively. Her lips then were attached to his neck, yet she didn't immediately bite into his vain. Instead she gave rough kisses on the spot, licking it occasionally.

Peter moaned softly as the woman kissed his neck roughly. It sent pleasure through out his body oddly. Then a sharp sting of pain erupted from his neck. He could feel the blood trickle down his neck, but he couldn't help but to love the feeling. He also loved hearing his siren moan as she took his blood.

All too soon she pulled away, licking up the blood the went down his neck. A soft, quiet moan left his lips at this even though he shouldn't have felt pleasure from that.

"Bite me." A breathless voice asked him to do.

His now wide eyes looked at the darken eyes of Cascata. They were filled with lust, love, pain, guilt, and peace. He held her tighter as he repeated her actions. Only her moans were a bit louder; she pressing her body up more on his. He finally bite down, hard, on her soft skin.

He had expected her blood to taste like regular blood. Tangy with a metallic taste to it. But, to his surprise, the blood tasted sweet. It almost tasted like peaches, cherries even, just something sweet. He drank as much as he dared even though the siren was moaning his name softly.

"Peter..." She whispered as he finally took his mouth away from her sweet blood.


"C-can I stay here..." She asked, burying her head into his shirt.

That was when he noticed she was burning up. He at first thought it was because she was drying up, but her skin wasn't changing color as it had done before. Fearing that she might have made herself sick, he nodded, picking her up.

"I-I can walk." She muttered as he walked out of the bathroom to the bed.

"I know, but your burning up... I just want you to be safe is all." He whispered into her hair.

She gave a nod as she relaxed into his hold. her skin becoming cooler.

"Can you take your dress off, I need to get your night gown on." Pete shyly asked.

The sea woman didn't speak as she undid the ribbons on her dress. Luckily, there wasn't many laces as some of her other dresses. Once the dress was off, the male had to control himself from wanting to ravage her.

"Pirate... I need to tell you something." Her voice was soft and sweet as he went to get her a nightgown.

He turned his head to tell her that he was listening... Or he was.

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