Mate please

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The sea woman didn't speak as she undid the ribbons on her dress. Luckily, there weren't many laces as some of her other dresses. Once the dress was off, the male had to control himself from wanting to ravage her.

"Pirate... I need to tell you something." Her voice was soft and sweet as he went to get her a nightgown.

He turned his head to tell her that he was listening... Or he was...

Peter blushed brightly as he saw the siren's naked body, once again, on view for him. He so badly wanted to touch her, hold her, kiss her... To taste her...

Why hold back? She can't hurt you. Make her feel more pleasure than anything. Growled a voice in his head.

How much he wanted to do just that, but he had to have some restraint. Though his body was not really wanting to follow what he wanted.

"C-Casy... A-are you feeling alright?" He asked, trying his damn not to stutter, failing horribly.

She shook her head, a frown on her kissable lips. She knew what his body wanted as they... They needed to... She couldn't bring herself to think of what they had to do!

"No... Your not next to me... And I'm really hot..." She spoke with a seductive tone without meaning too.

The blush that was clear on Pete's cheeks grew darker as he heard her voice. It wasn't even the way she spoke that had him all fluster... It honestly was just her angelic voice that was begging him to make her scream his name. The look in her eyes were calling him to do as his body said... And he almost did.

"Okay... Want me to get you some water? Or do you need me to lay you down?" He asked.

All the woman did was nod her head, a small pout on her lips. She knew he was driving himself to madness because he didn't want to hurt her... But he needed to give into what Lua Mãe wanted.

He walked across the room quickly. As far as he was certain he was trying to help her, and help her he was going to do.  

Gently he laid the gorgeous goddess on his bed, his body screaming even more to take her. Not being able to stop what he was going to do, he kissed the woman. It was a way to show that he was sorry that he was going to hurt her... Yet, her kissing him back in such a lustful way drove him over the edge!

He straddle her hips as she tried to sit up, even though he knew she wasn't going any where. Peter just wanted to see her underneath him as gave her world a wake up call.

"Don't get up, mate." He growled out as he let go of her now swollen lips.

The man guessed that he had kissed her a bit too roughly, yet he wanted to be rough with her.

"Okay, Peter." She whispered as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

Her hands weren't trembling as they did quick work of his buttons even at her slow pace. After discarding the opposing fabric, her greedy, lust filled eyes looked at his eight pack. She had rarely ever saw it after the day she got drunk. Yet, it seemed to be have gotten even more define over the past few days.

Slim hands rubbed every crease of his chest, going as low as to his hips then back up. The pirate hated that she was teasing him, so he grabbed her hands. Her eyes widen at this, but she didn't pull them away.

"You really like to play with fire don't you?" He questioned her.

Her lips curved into a mischievous smirk as she gently, teasingly, kissed his bare chest.

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