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I hate humans! I hate them! A nymph thought.
Why should she like them when she was watching them take her family from her? She shouldn't. She has a right!
Before that moment, her pod was moving. Their home was becoming to crowded and it was time for a new scenery. Just then a ship had exploded and all the men tried to run towards the life boats! Only those men had knocked off the side of the ship! It was a nymph's job to save anyone they can and that's what they did. But the men had grabbed the men and women that had tried to help them! The younger nymphs' parents were able to shove them deeper into the sea. As most of the other nymphs swam back to their old home, away from the evil men. This one nymph wasn't afraid of the men, but for her family. What would the men do to them?
Very quickly, her fear and sadness was replaced with anger and vengeance. She swam up to the surface for air and to sing. Lifting her wet wings, she used them to stand on the surface of the water. Her anger deeped as she saw the men they tried to save put her family onto a pirate's ship.
She closed her eyes and started to sing the song of forbidden.
A/n song time.
Upon one summer's morning
I carefully did stray
Down by the warls of wapping
Where i met a salior gay.
She song loud and clear for all the men to hear her voice.
Conversing with the young lass
Who seemed to be in pain
Saying "William, when you go,
I fear you will never return again"
My heart pierce by Cupid.
I disdain all glittering gold.
There's nothing to console me,
But my Jolly Salior Bold.
She sang louder as the men started to sway back and forth as she sang on.
His hair hangs in ringlets
His eyes as black as gold
My happiness attend him
Wherever he may go
From Towerhill, to Blackwall
I'll wonder weep and moan
All for my Jolly Salior
Until he says return.
The men were almost in her control. Just then more of the nymphs came and joined in the song.
My heart is pierce by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold,
There's nothing to console me,
But my Jolly Sailor Bold
With all their voices combine, the sailors were in their graspes.
My father is a merchant
The truth i will now tell
And in Great Londan City
In opulence don't dwell
His fortune doth exceed
300,000 gold
And he frowns upon his daughter
Who loves a sailor bold.
Seeing how the men were almost fully in their graspes, the nymphs song louder.
A fig for his riches
His merchandise and gold
True love has grafted my heart
Give my sailor bold
My heart is pierce by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold.
Nothing can console me,
But my Jolly Sailor Bold
Should he return in poverty
From o'ver the ocean far
To my tender bosom,
I'll gladly press my Jolly tar.
My sailor is a smiling
As a pleasant mouth of May
And oft we have wonder
Through Ratcliffe Highway.
May a pretty blooming
Girl we did behold
Recling on the bosom
Of her Jolly Sailor Bold
My hear is pierce by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold.
Nothing can console me,
But my Jolly Sailor Bold.
My name is Maria
A merchant's daughter fair
And i left my parents
Three thousand pounds a year
Come all you pretty fairmaids
Whoever you may be
Who love a Jolly Sailor
That ploughs the raging sea
While up loft in strom
From me, his absence mourn
And firmly pray arrive the day
He home will safe return.
My heart is pierce by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold,
Nothing can console me,
But my Jolly Sailor Bold.
My heart is pierce by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold.
Nothing can console me,
But my Jolly Sailor Bold.
As the nymphs finished the song, the pirates had released her family. And then the most of the pirates them selfs had jumped into the waters. The once nymph looked at the others.
The women were wearing dresses that showed alot of skin and was very revealing of their chest. Also their once pretty faces became almost irresistibly gorgeous. The men wore shorts that were lose and they all looked gorgeous as well. They no longer had their wings, nor did they all care.
Diving into the waters, they all felt like the water was trying to choke out their air. Soon though that feeling was replaced with the satisfaction that the men would die.
Flicking their new tails, they quickly made it to the pirates. The nymphs were still trying to save them, but they were pushed away.
The first siren, smirked and swam to the caption. She took his hand and dragged him down into the sea further. Looking back at her mother, she held a scared look to it.
What have you done, Cascata? Her mother projected at her.
Cascata laughed and swam down further. As she swam she and the others sang the forbidden song to their pod. In the water and with their new found strength, the sirens had completely took over their once loved ones' minds. They, too, started to sing the song and they transformed.
At first their beautiful butterfly like wings, darkened and whither. When the wings were gone, their clothes changed into the ones that Cascata had seen on her friends. Then the water around them shimmered and wrapped them up.
As the water went back to normal, there were more sirens even more beautiful than the first of them.
"No man can rule us anymore! Feed off of their energy, my friends!" Yelled Cascata in the language of her people.
They did as she had told them and sang louder. The second ship exploded, yet the sailors didn't care! Those that did pushed their friends into the waters and dove after them! The other sirens quickly grabbed the sailors, all but a few. Those few tried to swim away.
Cascata smiled and let go of the man she held. The man that once looked so full of life now looked dried and far into the world of the dead.
The siren swam quickly to one of them, but jerked away. The boy, looking around a sixteen, pulled out a pure silver sword and slashed at her. The other two also had pure metal swords and they looked liked twins. Both had sunny yellow hair that floated around their soft looking faces. Their eyes a sea blue and their skin a golden brown color. They were younger looking than their friend.
Cascata hissed and tried to claw at the boy, only to be kicked! His kick had sent her back a few yards and pushed him further away. As if they all came to an agreement, the twin boys turned and swam away with the teen boy in the back.
She was about to go after them, when her mother grabbed her wrist.
"We are all stronger now. Leave those childern alone, they will warn others of us. Come, Princess of the Sirens, we have a lot to do." The woman commanded.
Silently, the daughter followed her mother, the now Queen of the Sirens.
No one will hurt us any more. Cascata thought secretly.

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