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Cascata tried to push the man above her off, but he seemed to weigh a ton! His hands were sinfully roaming her body as she moaned softly, not wanting to in courage his dream to continue.

"Stop! You have to stop this now." She tried to speak once his lips had moved their way to her neck.

But his attenion wasn't on what she was saying, he was listening to her moans. All he wanted to do was hear her scream his name in pure bliss as he finally had her. Where he could finally claim the siren his.

"Stop... Please..." She whimpered as he slowly started to remove the dress she was wearing.

Her whimpering caused him to stop. He leaned back up to face her. His dark green eyes looked into her's, but he could only see betral. It was clearer than day itself. It pained him to know this. It hurt Peter even more to know he was the one causing this.

"But, I want you... You know that..." He whispered, his breath fanning over the light cherry pink lips of the siren's.

"Yet, I'm not ready... I'm not ready... Please, stop..." She murmured.

The male's grrip lessened as he rolled off of the small body. He had hurt her.

Not even thinking, he wrapped his arms around her small frame, holding her close to him. His grip wasn't too tight to bruise the body below him, but wasn't lose enough for her to escape.

She was trapped in that bed with him holding onto her. Peter found comfort in knowing that she wouldn't get out of his grip anytime soon. While, Cascata was just thinking of how he was able to wake up fully!

The pirate's eyes slowly closed as his dream contiued, even if he tried his hardest to stop the naughty, desirable dream. How much he wished that the woman in his bed right then would just let him live it.

Sorry for the long pause... I just got caught up in school and i wasn't really inspired to do any writing, so if I haven't publish any of my books so far is because of the same two factors. Well, I hope ya'll had a good day!

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