Song Of Harps

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The next few days were boring for the entire crew as they were now living off of scraps of food. Luckily though, the crew should be able to reach land by nightfall. This helped the crew greatly. Not much for two other people, on the other hand.

Cascata was sitting on her bed, reading as her "boss" gave her a day to herself. She didn't know why, but didn't question the weird human. The two of them were getting along perfectly fine. Until she heard some noise coming from his office. Trying to ignore the loud sounds would be near to impossible. So she got up, and opened the door a crack.

Her eyes narrowed at the sight of another woman on top of the man that she could stand. There lips were locked as moans were heard from the female, her hands roaming the male's body. Peter's hands stayed right at the stranger's hips.

Sighing softly as something saddeningly brew in her heart, she closed the door. Feeling that her face has became wet, the siren queen realized she was crying. The reason why, she didn't know.

Walking back to her bed, she bruied her head in the pillow that could block out all types of sounds. She knew this because she had once screamed in pain when she had cut herself once. Peter was in his office, but he seemed as though he didn't hear her.

Her tears kept coming as she kept seeing the images of her lost love. The memory was clear as day, yet fuzzy as though she was seeing it through a fog. A scream left her throat as she choked on her tears. She wanted to scream and wail over everything, her broken heart being shatter the more she listened to the moans and groans that replayed in her head, only seemingly to get louder. Though she felt like she should know the woman, but nothing came to mind... Yet it did nothing to sooth her tears.

Pete had been in his office, when his girlfriend walked in. She was wearing a dress that was most likely too tight for her, yet she smiled and moved as though it was nothing. He wanted to talk to her about their realationship, but he never got the chance. She firmly placed her lips on his, leaving him breathless. Her body tightly pressed against his. This then made him wonder, who was the real siren?

His girlfriend had dirty-blonde hair with bright blue eyes, but then the makeup came in and made her even more prettier. Her pink lips were bright, fury red that made her eyes pop out more than they already were with the dark black eyeliner. Her cheeks had a light dusting of blush, her hair up in a tight bun with pearls. Her skin was a nice, perfect tan. Everything about the woman, although, was false, even though she was extremely pretty.

Cascata, on the other hand, had never even known what make-up was. Her eyes were a feirce ocean green that made it impossible not to notice the color right a way, even when he was fighting her. Her skin was paler than Diana's, but it was still tan. She had the body of a goddess, but she never seemed to care very much about it. She never tried to flaunt it.  She was kind, even happy sometimes with what she had. She was smart for someone who never liked to really leave her cultrue. She was beuatiful even without the siren glamour, and it all was natural.

Peter kissed the woman above him, but it made him feel bad. The oppisite feeling he would be having if he was kissing the siren, or vise versa. His heart wasn't racing, he didn't feel the need to control his hands from roaming her body. He wasn't feeling himself wanting more of her lips. He felt nothing as his girlfriend gave a moan. He could feel her sinful hands roaming his body, being even more disgusted by it.

He, then, heard a small, inaduable creak of the office door. The one that lead to his room. Pretending the his eyes were closed, he glanced over to it. His eye met a feirce ocean green eye that was glazed over. They held saddness, pain so old for someone so young looking. As quietly as she had opened the door, she closed it.

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