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Three years later
Cascata made sure that all sailors of all kinds died and those that wanted to join, joined. She though, wasn't as kind to them as her own people. But she could care even less about that.
Laying down on her bed, someone knocked on the golden door. All she ever really wanted was some peace and quiet now a days.
"What!" she snapped.
The door opened to one of her people. The look on the siren's face gave the Queen the urge to see what was wrong. But she already knew.
With that both of them swam out and tried to reach the surface. Once their, Cascata screamed a siren's death scream. Not at the men, but at the women that were on their ships.
In seconds their bodies hit the deck of the ship, lifeless as a corps.
"Catch the Queen!" hollered a man.
She scowled, but before she could she felt faint. Almost like someone was taking her power... A mage!
"Now, we got you." a deep voice whispered.
She didn't know who it was, but she felt too tired to care about anything anymore... She only wanted to feel her pain and misery.
Then nothing.
Peter felt the siren go limp. He knew that training for those long years to become a mage pirate would pay off eventually.
Swimming back to his ship, he casted out a barrier spell, trapping all the sirens inside. No way out.
"King! What is yer next order, sire!"asked one of his crew members.
"Set sail to the northern waves! We need to restock and proclaim the seas safe once more!"
There was a round of hearty arghs. Peter, despite only being twenty-three years old, was the king of the seven seas. He made everything look easy... Well its not.
Anyway, he carried the now light maiden to his chambers. She looked peaceful when she was sleeping. The white dress that faded into ocean blue at the bottom. Her tone, tanned body that all men would drool over. She looked like the perfect woman to fuck.
He knew that it was only the siren's curse. A curse that allowed them to more beautiful than that they should be.
"Such a beautiful thing, yet so dangerous." he whispered to it.
In the captain's chambers was a wall that over looked the ocean. And there was also a large glass tank filled with ocean water.
There was some sand and seaweed also a large clam at the bottom of the tank.
He had decided to make the ship conceal sea magic. Meaning a siren song would only be a that. A song.
Gently, Peter set her down on a near by bed. She was going to sleep with him for the time being. Or until she learns, no one can escape once you have been captured by the most feared pirates of them all.
Hey. So if any of you have a pirate crew name that you want to be shared, just let me now... I'm kinda running out of names... Hoped that you had enjoyed!

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