Curse Of Ilha De Sabedoria

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Long ago on an island far from anywhere, were people with magical abilities. They were feared, and yet respected. No one could be comparde with their brains, bronze or beauty. The men and women could make things appear out of thin air. They were no match for anyone. Or so they thought.

Many had tried to over rule the people of  Sabedoria, all had failed. The Sabedoria could easily make a new weapon every day, yet only a small amount was known to the world. Because of this, they always had a few new tricks up their sleeves for a battle. They were also the stongest of them all.

If you went hand to hand with one of them, most likely they would win as easily as it is for a drinker to finish forty drinks in a minute. They may look like weaklies, but their anything, but weak. Some say they can lift three boulders the weight of an elephant each with one arm!

But... Then pirates came. These pirates had spent decades studying the islanders. They knew their stregths and their weaknesses. These pirates were ruthless. Slaughtered many of the people, enslaved many more... Then left the others to drown in the waters.

The water for miles around was stained red with blood. No one dared to go near the island again in fear of the pirates that had taken down the all might Sabedoria race. Ilha De Sabedoria was then known as the island of the dead. For whoever went there, would die of starvation, or from the lack of water that was clean. The cursed island.

Yet, the maidens that were thrown into the water were spared from the cruel fate of their brethern. They held their breath for days until the ropes were too weak to hold them in place anymore. The woman helped free the men. They all then swam away, many dying on the way from many things.

Once the people had reach shores of a deserted island, they all weeped for the fallen. Hatred, though, brewed as the more they thought of whos fault it was for the fallen. It wasn't theirs, nor of their Mother. But pirates! Greed was in their blood as it was in the blood of a dragons!

For many years after words, the people of Ilha De Sabedoria worked hard to be better than before. They never trusted a stranger or anyone outside of their home ever again. Until the day a witch washed a shore their beaches.

"I'll give you the power to help and kill humans... As long as you live in the seas. Your voices anad beauty would be an asset that no one could match." She said with a voice that spoke of wisdom.

Not listening to their instincts to say no, they all agreed. What the witch didn't say was that the thought of harming anyone would leave their minds completely. None had missed it though. Their wings and beauty was enough to help them through the toughest challenges, along with the new powers they were given. Many had thought their reveange was lost to the seas, far below them to them all... How wrong they were.

"As long as they were happy or sad, the thought of death was never there. But if one angered the being of death themself, they return to the way they were, monsters. If a nymph uses her or his power for their desire, then the spell is sealed as forbidden." Was the old witch's warning... Yet none paid attention to her final words as they should have.

Now we all know the rest of the sirens' tell. And of why they hate pirates the most of any sailing ship.

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