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Cascata looked over at her red haired friend, the only human she didn't kill. And the only human she had feelings for.
"Why do you look so down? Why don't we sing?" she tried.
Her friend only shook her head. She didn't like to sing. Her songs didn't enchant sailors to their doom, but lures them to the island because of the beauty.
"No... I don't want to hurt anyone." she whispered.
The Queen sighed. She was use to this and didn't mind that.
"Alright, Melissa. I hope you know this is for your own good." she told her before kissing the girl.
The girl was shooked at first, but then she did something that Cascata didn't expect! Melissa kissed back! The two woman kissed for a while, until they both needed air. They both blushed deeply.
"That... Was something..." Melissa siad with a shocked look on her face.
Cascata smirked and kissed the girl again. They both did this for a few hours, only breaking up when they needed air. And only for that.
Little did they know that they weren't alone. In the waters below them was a siren male. And he wasn't happy to see his love making out with a human!
After those few hours, the Queen had to return to her home. Her skin was starting to dry out and she needed that sea air to help her breath better.
"Bye, Meu Amor. See you tomorrow." she called out before jumping into the water.
As the Queen swam she had a bad feeling... Yet why? She had no clue so she swam on. She should've turned back. Only she didn't.
"No! Meu Amor! Please stop fighting me! Let me help you!" sobbed the siren.
When she came back to the island, to her horror she saw the her love was drowning herself! The love of her being was trying to die! What did she do to deserve to see this!?
Everything. You killed coutless humans. Even the ones that join you. You deserve every painful moment of your worthless life! She thought.
She cried harder as she tried, again, to bring Melissa back to the surface for air. But, again, the girl fought her and swam down even further into the depths of the ocean!
No! Please stop! I won't hurt anyone any more if this stops! I beg of you! Please stop this! She did nothing! She prayed to no one special.
She then was held back. It was as if her body had given up. She wanted to fight! To have her love breath the human air! But all in the same she watched as the woman she loved, scream her name. To help her. To bring her to the surface.
"Casy! Help! Please!" she screamed.
Cascata cried and sobbed but didn't turn away. The usual feeling of pride and happiness was replaced with sorrow and guilt. She wanted to help her, to save her. No muscle moved.
Let her die. She wanted this. She wanted to die. She choose this path. Let her die. The evil voice whispered.
Cascata cried harder and screamed.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" she yelled at her.
The tears that were in the woman's eyes flooded down in rivers. The human girl gave a sad smile and cried as well.
"Be good. Change for the better. Me..." Melissa spoke before her eyes rolled back and she started to float.
Cascata quickly swam to her lifeless body and went to the surface. Going onto shore, the siren used her magic to make a hole for the body. It just seemed right, to have the love of a siren's body on land than in the water.
Gently placing the body back down in the damp soil, she gave one last kiss to the woman.
"I love you. I'm so sorry."she cried out softly.
After that day... She changed. Those that said they will join would live. Those that wanted to go home... Were taken home safely. All were confused of theor Queens change of actions. But one thing stayed the same... She hated pairtes! They were the reason that she has so many unhappiness!
"They all will pay! Every last one of them!" she screamed out into the air.
Yes. All of them must die. All before the world will bow to you and only you. The dark voice agreed.
"Good. I wasn't going to back down anyways." she darkly whispered to herself.
No one was going to hurt the ines she loved. No one. Not anymore.
Sorry about that long time gap. I hope this makes up for it... Though i an getting writer's block... Maybe you guys have any ideas that can help me? Anyway, i hope you like it!😜😜😜😉😉😉

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