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Cascata was now Queen. She was happy and they pod was at peace. No one could hurt them any more. No one.
There came a sound of a ships horn and she smiled. Just in time.
She swam up and off the rock she was on. Unlike her the rest of the pod had sunken ships to go to and sleep in. There was the one that her parnets were in, but thats was now a resting ground of the great leaders.
She swam up and saw that it was a cargo ship. She knew it was mostly transporting some gold and some fruits.
Zhe opened her mouth and sang an enchanting song that took effect in seconds.
They men killed one another and blew a hole in the ship. Yet they only cared for killing one another. Those that saw this jumped into the ocean.
Cascata knew it was already too late for the other men and swam to the other sailors and drained them off their life. 
She then swam to the ones the died and drained them of the reat of their blood. Some of the other sirens followed her lead and killed the rest of the men.
The ship sunk to the lowest of the deeps and only a Queen or a leader go that far down. Cascata swam down there and looked around.
The rooms were full of drowned bodies and food and floating gold. It was lovely. The way the  bits of light reflected at gold's shiny surface. It made the room look pretty. Moving to another room she saw that is was made for the captain. It had a lovely bed and a desk with papers and maps. It also had a bathroom with some weird things. She passed that off as a human thing.
She went to the bed and layed on the soft surface. It was so good to be on that instead of a hard rock. Shd laughed and fell a sleep.
No one can hurt us. No one.

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