The Call

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For months the siren was shown around the human town. She was even taught how to steal without getting caught. Peter could never help but smile every day with his mate and love by his side. Everything was well, until...

Cascata was finally using the tank that her mate had placed in the ship. It was cozy to her and it was fun to swim around and just laugh and play. She had her childish spirit back!

She was alone in the room since they had only one more night there, in the port. Peter went to make sure that they had all that they needed and wanted to steal some gold. He was a smart man when it came to places. 

If he needed supplies, he'd make sure to not cause a fight. Though he would still some small things that no one will notice that it had gone missing until it was too late. He was very smart. The nymphs would have excepted him as their own if there were any left. 

Sighing sadly at the thought of that day, she wepted. Many lives were taken. She did not weep tears for the sailors that had tried to hurt her, but for the lost of her people. She had made them rely on venance of the way of the pirates. 

She had made them monsters and now they wither and die. 

Then she heard it. At first it was soft and gentle almost like a whispering breeze. Then it grew louder and louder! It enchanted her to hear their calling. It enchanted her to jump...

"Casy! I am back!" The over joyed king of the seas yelled as he walked into their room. His love though did not respondd at first. She was looking out ot the ocean. She wasn't even in her siren form. 

She wore the  dress of the nymphs. The dress of the innocent. A pale blue, almost white, dress with the straps made out of transluect slik, hanging off her shoulders. The dress fitted her well, but was modest as the long, pale blue skirt gently floated around her form. The fierce ocean green eyes were both dulled and yet shone brightly in the water. 

"Cascata?" He asked, now worried for her. This seemed to have snapped her out of whatever trance she was in, for the dress faded away to the usual dark golden tail of a siren. 

"My love! I did not here you come in!" She exclaimed in shock, 'jumping' back some.

He chuckled at her. She must've heard something. After all it is the full moon and  the hundred years of it suppose to be red for the angels of the waves. 

They must have been 'talking' to her. 

"What have you been doing while I was out?" He asked, changing into a silk shirt, he didn't even bother to button it. 

Swimming to the top, she rested her arms on the glass rim. She only smiled and nodded, her wet hair floating around her. 

"You are quiet... May I ask why?" He noticed her unusual behavior. It was almost scarring him as she was never liked this. 

"I am good, my love... My love, may we have the porthole open tonight..." The look she gave her love, made it impossible for him to say no. So he didn't. 

He opened it up and went into her small closet since she didn't want that many clothes anyway, he pulled out her favorite night gown. If he had looked closer he would have realized that it looked awfully lot like her nymph dress. 

"Good night, my love." she had said once she had the dress on. 

He thought nothing of her words, for he knew she would never harm him or the crew. Never!

"Good night, Casy." Peter kissed Cascata on the lips before blowing out a few of the candles as to save them. 

The siren giggled lightly, before going to the bed. 

After all were sleeping soundlessly, the song played again. It was soft and gentle, but it easily stirred the first siren from her slumber. 

The Red Nymph moon was shining its red light on her. The ancients were singing to her. They were whispering to her. 

Moving quietly, she made her way out of the cabin and into the hall. She didn't need to know where she was going. All she needed was to follow the sound. to follow their call. 

The red moon bathed all in its glory, but non as so much as Cascata. She was glowing with her dress of innocents. As the wind picked up, the long skirt flew behind her. It Seemed to be like her wings as it shone in the moonlight.

At the edge, the song was loud, finally stirring someone else. The siren walked to the bowsprit(?) at stood on the tip of it. The wind died down a small bit, before up roaring once again!  The power of the ancients was far greater than that of the Queen. 

Her body glowed a faint blue and orange color. The dress of the innocence was now there as well as her wings. They were far grander than any nymph had ever seen! They were those of the First. The saviors. 

"Casy!" Peter called out. 

His eyes widen as he saw he turn towards him slowly. Her eyes were only blue. No white. No pupil. She looked as though she couldn't hear him as though the song was...

"Cascata! Stop this now!" He yelled again. Some of the nearest crew members came up on the deck to see what was going on, only to gasp at the sight. 

Cascata, the Queen of the Sirens, had the wings of the Nymphs. Their captain, he was glowing, a faint out line of eagle wings on his back. They didn't know what was going on! What was happening?

"Eu te amo, Capitao Peter." The black haired woman said in an enchanting, echoy voice. 

Before anyone could react, she fell into the sea. The dark blue waters wrapped their cold arms around her small body. They changed her form into the siren like form, only the tail was a heavenly blue color and was more like a snake tail with some light blue fins on the end forming an eel like look to it. There was a large blue fish fin on her back as two smaller ones floated gently in the calm waters on her waist. The front of her was also blue, but for her stomach and arms. On her back were the wings that she loved. 

"Cascata!" Peter called, running to the edge. It took four of his strongest to hold him back. Even then, he was still stronger than them! 

"No!" He yelled, wanting to go to her. Yet, he never could. 

Not for a long time.

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