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Lucy's POV

"Lucy!" a weary voice cried from down the hall, IN MY ROOM. I became angry and stomped to the sight of Lottie and Zayn in the bathroom. My heart skipped a beat when Zayn's tear hit the cold tile floor, such disdain hiding beneath the surface of his emotions. "Why?" he finally spoke. What?

"What Zayn? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I became weak as he desperately tried to speak. Seeing him like this was not normal at all. What was causing this? I turned to Lottie, her face composed of fear and sadness all directed towards me.

"Why would you do this to yourself?" Zayn interrupted my questionable thoughts. He held up a little pink travel bag. I snatched it out of his hand, looking through it immediately. My eyes stared upon 5 little razor blades, the ends a rusted color of dried blood. Wait- did they think I did this? Oh no no no no no. I would NEVER do that to myself. EVER. I can't even take a needle at the doctor's office!

"Zayn, I-" I started, but he interrupted me.

"Lucy, you are so precious. You were my princess. Why would you do this?" he sobbed uncontrollably. I didn't know what to do at this point. What should I do? And whose are these? But something bothered me.

I was his princess?

It hurt me to know that if I did this, I guess I wouldn't be as loved.

"But Zayn-" I tried again.

"I don't think you understand, Lucy. This is so unlike you. WHY?" he cried hysterically. Luckily no one else was home to hear his waterworks. By now, they all would've been rushing in like a heard of cattle.

"ZAYN." I shouted, loud enough for him to pay attention to me. "Those aren't mine!" I lowered my voice. "How could you think I could do that to myself?!" I bellowed. He looked taken back.

"So-so these really aren't yours?" he quivered in confusement. I nodded sincerely. How could he think that? "They aren't mine and they aren't Lottie's." he added, wiping his newly sprung tears. I knelt down to coddle him.

"It's ok Zayn. I'm not hurting myself." I spoke softly to engage him like a child and calm him like a parent. I quickly pushed him a little. "AND HOW COULD YOU THINK I WOULD DO THAT?" I yelled, my mood changing quickly. I smacked his arm hard enough to make him pull away.

"Ow. And I'm sorry. I just didn't know. After all they were in YOUR bathroom." He defended. I sighed in defeat of the argument.

"Well didn't you think of the possibility of the people that were on the bus before us?!" I pointed out.

"But whose are they?" he questioned me, like he thought I knew.

"Oh yeah, like she knows!" Lottie chimed in. I chuckled at her slight insult. That fragile girl I came to love has been quite different lately. "How are we going to figure this out?" she continued. I shrugged my shoulders, dreadfully thinking of anyone doing this. Oh no, what if it was Harry? Or Niall? Or Liam? Or Lou- nah, Louis is too funny for that. Not to mention he has talked to me about this before saying, and I quote: "Your bleeding wrists are like getting a new haircut, you like it for a day, then you hate it and want it how it was before."


"Hey little Lucy. How's my favorite 13 year old?" Niall smiled sweetly, walking through the door, returning from wherever they had been gone. I smiled in return, not wanting to lie to him again and say everything was fine. "That's not so convincing." He half laughed and scooped me into his arms.

"Nothing's wrong, Niall." Damn I'm good. He forced himself to smile and put me down at the announcement of "nothing"

"Now before I say anything else, I'm warning you, Louis is not-" The slam of a car door interrupted his sentence. "C'mon, you don't want to be around for this." He hurriedly picked me up and ran into my room; past Zayn's where Lottie was playing FIFA with him. He placed me just past my doorway. "Lucy, I'm serious about this, don't come out for 20 minutes. Louis is really pissed and I-" he stopped at the jiggle of the door to the bus and ran to his room. "Just don't say anything!" he yelled and slammed both of our doors shut before I could argue. God, Louis must be REALLY pissed if I'm not even allowed to be outside of my room. I sat by my white door and listened as the front door opened and Louis and Liam walked inside.

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