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Lucy's P.O.V.

"Hello? Lucy?" I heard my mother from the other end. I hesitated before speaking. What was I going to say to her? It felt so uncomfortable know she was my mom.

"Mommy?" I instantly started to break down and cry. There was nothing else I could do. You never notice how much stress you have building up in you until you have a chance to let it out. "Mommy, I love you. I miss you so much and I'm so sorry for not talking to you!" I sobbed. I can't even remember the last time I told her I loved her.

"Oh Lucy, its ok baby. I forgive you. I actually deserved it. I never meant to say the things I did, you mean everything to me and I really want us to be ok with each other. I am so sorry." She bawled.

"Its ok, I love you." I slowly stopped crying and got my self together. "Well mom, I need to ask you something."

"Anything Sweetie." She sniffled.

"Well, I really like this boy and I think he wants me to be his girlfriend and I want to." I explained, jumbling up my words in the process.

"It seems to me that you don't need any help at all. But I'm sure what ever happens, you will make the best choices and Harry and the guys will take care of you. Listen honey, I have to go but I love you very much and I'll talk with you later." She concluded.

"Bye, I love you too." I insisted, trying to make myself believe it.

The line went dead and I wiped a spear tear away, knowing that everything was going to be great, and no worrying about her. It was about 1:00. I quietly stepped out of my room and creeped to Harry's closed door. I knocked on the plain white wood, hoping he was a little nicer to me. He swung it open almost immediately and I saw his red tear stained face. He had been crying, I could tell. Suddenly, he scooped me up and held me in his arms. I felt like nothing could come between us. We were too close. It just reminded me of our relationship before he was famous. We would do everything together, I would tell him everything, and he would tell me some things, mostly because the other stuff was inappropriate but I found them out later. I have my ways. We stayed in the door way for all of 3 seconds before he set me down on his bed. He gave me a weak smile that fans would die for. "I love you Harry." I bursted. I don't even know where that came from. It's like a whole new me. But I quickly shook it off and returned to what I was originally going to say. "I want you to know........ I called mom. For real this time." I confessed. It felt like the world had been lifted off me. His expression changed to a genuine smile.

"Lucy, that's great! Thank you!" he added. I felt like Harry loved me again. Like everything he just did to me was forgotten and we were best friends again. "You know I love you but you have to stop using that kind of language." He contradicted, looking into my small pupils. I nodded. He smiled and lifted me up onto his hip, like Niall had done before. He kissed my head and brought me out into the main room. All the guys were sitting around the room watching TV like a pack of wolves feasting on a deer. I swear, these boys are going to get brain damage from all this screen time. They soon turned all their attention on me. Harry's warm body healed my frigid fingers and we sat on the couch together. See, this is what I wanted, this is what I love. Harry would hold me in his arms like a new found prize and love me to no extent. I repositioned myself until I was comfortable with my hands and head pressed against his chest. His breathing lifted me up once in a while. I looked up at him when his breathing got heavier, he had fallen asleep. He looked adorable. I carefully moved off of him while he didn't make a sound. I suddenly smiled at the break of an idea. I could be a devil when I wanted to be. I hopped up from the couch and scurried to Niall. Like a child, I bounced on his lap and whispered my plan into his ear.

"Look, Harry's asleep, let's do a smack cam!" I convinced. He looked unsure at first but quickly told me to go get the whipped cream from the fridge. Without the guys questioning or even noticing for that matter, I quickly retrieved the weapon. He got out his phone and started recording. He signaled me to go. But I didn't want to, Harry would surely catch me, I had a way of messing these things up. We silently argued and I finally gave in. slowly, I sprayed the whipped cream in my open palm. I walked over to where Harry's sleeping body laid. For all of two seconds, I felt bad about this, but I got over it, remembering all the shit he did to me. I stepped away, laughing, a few times. How did they not notice us? I finally built up the courage to do it, SMACK! I slapped the whipped cream into his face and busted into laughter, Niall shortly following. But every one else was just staring at me with disappointment. Harry jumped up.

"What the-" he trailed off, touching his face and realizing what had happened. He saw the evidence in my hand and grew angry. I swear when he looked in my eyes, I could see a tiny flame dancing in his. Suddenly, I found myself being chased around the bus with Harry hot on my tail. "You are so gonna get it Lucy!" he screamed. Liam and Zayn's hands wrapped around Harry, making sure he wouldn't come after me. Oh shit, he was actually angry. I stopped behind one end of the granite counter top so he couldn't reach me and so I could talk.

"Look, Harry! It was just a joke! It was supposed to be funny!" I defended, catching my breath.

"Does it look like I'm laughing Lucy?! That hurt and you know it! Not to mention that it's all over my face!" he shouted.

"Well that's kinda the point!" I chuckled. Unexpectedly, I felt hands wrap around my waist. I snapped my head back only to see my worst nightmare, Zayn carrying me into his room. Fuck, he was going to punish me. You don't know pain unless you've been with Zayn. I didn't get what the big deal was; I pulled a simple prank, that's it! The last sight I saw was Harry wiping off the whipped cream with a red mark left behind, and poor Niall red, almost crying. He was dying to tell some one he was involved. He always had an over active conscience. My concerns were interrupted only to make me worry more; Zayn angrily threw me on the bed.

"I don't get it Lucy! Why the hell would you do that to Harry?!? He was being so sweet to you and this is how you repay him?" he shouted at me. I started to forget the hilarity of the incident and focus on the bad parts.

"Zayn, I'm sorry! It was meant to be a joke. Just think of all the shi- stuff he's done to me." I stopped myself before I made it worse; hoping Zayn didn't notice my little slip up.

"Lucy! That is no excuse! You know better!" he barked. He got a firm grip on my wrist and pulled me over his lap. I started bawling, this wasn't going to be fun and I knew it. "You are receiving 50, no complaints." I opened my mouth to speak but quickly shut it realizing that it wasn't going to get me anywhere good. His first one surprised me. SMACK! I gasped and bit my lip which was once healing from a couple weeks ago, but now torn up from my teeth again. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I was crying and my face was becoming purple because I thought squeezing my eyes shut would block out the pain. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Every time his hand came in contact with me, I dug my nails into his leg harder and harder. "YOU WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" he shouted.

"Y-YESSS!" I cried. "I PR-PROMISE! PLEASE ZAYN! I'VE LEARNED MY LESSON AND I'M SORRY!" I pleaded. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I cried and screamed. Nothing seemed to drive the pain away, it just kept coming back with avenges. I cried for him to stop but he kept going with no response.

"Four more babe." SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Finally it was over, I could breathe again. I lay limp on his lap until he touched my dead-like body to left me up. He cradled me in his arms while I cried into the buttons of his shirt. His heart beat soothed me and I slowly reduced my cries to sniffles. His warm touch made me tingle with love. Zayn did love me. Nothing could break that. Nothing. But that didn't mean I was always going to tell him everything.

"Zayn, I'm sorry!" I confessed. He tilted my head up.

"Its ok princess, but you really need to apologize to your brother." He refocused. I knew it had to be done but it's just so hard. I was never great at the whole 'I'm sorry' thing. I nodded and he lifted me up. He carried me over to his door and opened it. The way the bus was set up, you could come from any room and turn your head to look straight down the hallway, through the kitchen, and into the main room. When I stared down the hall, I saw something I would never forget. Something that makes me terrified.


yes I know, shitty chapter but I'm working on it!

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