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Harry's POV

"L-Lucy." I stuttered, my hand pointing to her wrist. When she had finished doing one of her tricks, I cringed at her now deformed wrist. Something must have happened when she put all that pressure on her wrist. She looked over from where she had placed her hands on the carpet to do a handstand of some sort. Everything was going fine until she came up and we all stared in shock, too afraid to say anything. She slowly turned her head to her wrist that was dangling, nearly detached from her arm. She gasped immediately and a new found reason to cry came over her. Tears slipped down her cheeks and I instantly took my baby sister in my arms, protecting her from anything else that could harm her. "We need to get Lucy to hospital. NOW. Zayn, Liam, and I will take Lucy. Niall and Louis, you stay here." I spoke, terrified of what might happen to Lucy. She coiled her legs around me and stuck her hurt arm over my shoulder. I never thought I would see anything like what I had seen with Lucy. Her wrist flopped with no movement at all unless you controlled it yourself. I could hear her soft whimpers as I fumbled with my keys and found the hole to unlock the car door. I ever so gently placed Lucy in the back seat as her head leaned on Liam's chest, unaware how much pain she was actually in. I sped onto the road in fear of what was happening to my little sister. I drove as fast as I could to get to the hospital, nearly getting pulled over with my lack of skills. Lucy's whimpers slowly became cries as she desperately tried to stop them, burying her head in Liam's chest who looked as worried as ever. We rushed into the hospital, a bawling Lucy limp in my arms and ran to a nearby nurse. "PLEASE, miss, my little sister is in critical condition, please help us!" I screamed, nearly crying. How was I supposed to know what was going to happen? She took one look at poor Lucy and led us down to a hallway where doctors were surrounded and said something to them, pointing at my baby sister. They instructed me to set her on a gurney, which was strange because it was only her wrist, but I followed anyways.

"We need to perform emergency surgery right away." The surgeon, I'm guessing, rushed and wheeled my sister down the long, overly white hallway, restricting me from going any further. With no sign of Lucy anywhere anymore, I threw my head in my hands, wondering how stupid I was. Zayn appeared at my shoulder.

"It's ok mate, kids get injured all the time." He tried to convince me that it was normal and sat me down in a chair in the waiting room.

"I know. But, it's not just a little scratch or something, Zayn. Her arm was detached from her body! And it was under my control!" I shouted, now making others look at me like they did Lucy in the airport. Zayn stood back, stunned at my overactive conscious. I always seemed to blame myself for everything; I just hope Lucy didn't have the same problem.

Lucy's POV

This is all my fault. How could I be so stupid? I knew I was going to hurt myself but I did it anyway! Did I secretly want myself to get hurt? NO. There is no way I would intentionally hurt myself. Why would I even think of that?

Because you're getting sick of yourself.

Oh shut up, brain. Nurses and all sorts of doctors wheel me hurriedly down the hallway, my vision slowly fading as I take a look at my discarded wrist. It's simply horrid. Veins more visible then ever, bones sticking out uncomfortably nearly breaking my skin, visual signs of internal bleeding. Without warning, I was confronted with a doctor sticking a needle into my arms, entering my blood stream as I started to scream with pain. Tears slid down my face endlessly as the last thing I remember faded into darkness.


I slowly fluttered my eyes open, only to be surrounded by 6 faces, gazing over me. "Look, guys! She is waking up!" One whispers harshly to the others as I can see the faint outline of their nods. I open and close my eyes a few times before finally deciding to let them remain open and ruin the sight of my dark paradise. Calmly, I made out the figures standing over me: the boys and Lottie, all with sympathized faces on, ruining the part of no pity. I faintly smile as they all slowly gather together, away from me. "Hey there babygirl." Harry greeted, his voice raspy from his cries that I could tell he committed. I smiled and winked at him, in too much pain to do anything else. Gathering my thoughts, I slowly sit up and glance at my wrist which is wrapped in an ugly tan colored gauze. I mentally cringe at the color and return my attention to everybody surrounding me and peer up to find Niall with a little teddy bear in his arms, handing it to me as I desperately tried to lift up my arm. Too weak, Niall notices and places the teddy bear in between my other arm and my body. I wince at my injured arm and sit up fully, now awake to everything.

"What happened?" I ask as curiosity comes over me.

"Well, when you injured yourself they had to perform emergency surgery to repair the tissue and reattach the bone to its correct alignment." Harry sighed, putting his hand inbetween his eyes, pinching his upper nose.

"Ugh. Well that sucks." I humored as everyone cracked a smile and I heard a chuckle or two.

"Good to know that your injury didn't ruin your wonderful personality." Lottie chimed as I smiled at her sweetness. She did always know the right things to say. I wish I had that gift instead of the curse I have now: saying the wrong things at the wrong times. We remained there for a few extra minutes, talking about random things and activities planned for my birthday.

"Yeah great, I get a broken arm for my birthday." I grin sarcastically, earning a few sympathetic looks, which wasn't what I was going for at all.

"Well I don't know when the nurse is supposed to get here but they said-"

"I see that Lucy is up and smiling." I friendly nurse walks in the room, her bright smile complimenting her rosey cheeks. I gave her an innocent smile as she cut off Niall. "Well, if you're up for it now, the doctor says that we can walk you down to him and get you casted up." She smiles sweetly as my eyes widened. Noticing my unstable approach, she tries her best to sooth me. "Oh don't worry cupcake, it wont hurt a bit, and there is a mighty fine selection of colors to choose from." Her deep southern accent taking away the tension that overflowed my brain. Eliminating the terrible thought of being constricted for God knows how long lifted off of me as I found myself getting up from my bed and we walked nearly across the hospital to a little room where diagrams of the human body were posted every where along with constant signs of the proper way to wash your hands and specific diseases that can be fatal. A man with a shiny metal name tag appeared at the door, smiling an awful grin. I awkwardly smiled back, awaiting my sentence.

"Alright, Lucy. Looks like we've gotten ourselves into a little trouble here." He observes his paper, obviously meaning me instead of the both of us. I nodded, still as uncomfortable with him. "Now we'll just have to cast you up, but the good news is your surgery went perfectly, not a toy to be tinkered with. Although you will have to remain in the cast for a good month and a half." He added. I don't get it. Whatever. My eyes followed him as he opened two cabinets, revealing a rainbow of rough patches. "Pick your poison." He stated as I tried my best to decipher the colors I could stand with for more than 4 weeks. I cringed at the plain white and grays. I finally set my eyes on a bright green color, deciding that the blue looked too dark, almost gray like. Without hesitation, the doctor grabbed the roll of the shelf and started gathering white fluff around my injured wrist, making me whimper when he would tamper with it. Zayn held out a hand for me to squeeze and I took it accordingly. Clenching my hand as hard as I could to block out the pain. He oddly started soaking the neon green material in warm water and gently placed it around my hand guiding it through the creases of my palms and between my thumb. Before I knew it, it was all casted up and beginning to harden. I scrunched my face at he unsatisfying knock it had when I placed my arm on the wooden table. "You're free to go Lucy. Hope we didn't hurt you too bad." The awkward doctor smiled, his mustache interfering with the comfort he was supposed to give me. I tried to grin back but I think it came out more of a discomforted look. We walked off and I was checked out of the hospital at the front desk, my new teddy bear in hand. I wiped away a tear I didn't know I had as we slowly got back onto the road and reached home.

ALRIGHT SO THAT WAS THE BIG CLIFFHANGER I know it was stupid, but I thought I might add something new soooooo BUT I UPDATED J

OH WAIT!...........................................you're perfect

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise



On the Road. (One Direction) CONTAINS SPANKINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora