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Louis P.O.V.

Lucy dozed off to sleep in my now covered arms. She was so little, too little if you ask me. But then again, she was perfect. Her warm, pale, skin laid smoothly across my shoulder and her dark brown hair cascaded down her back, stopping just after half her bicep. Her delicate little body was being disturbed as I slowly moved to pick her up. She had just woken up a little while ago, why was she sleeping? I forgot all about the movie and decided I shouldn't tell the guys about it, I handled it myself like the well-fitted adult I am, or would like to be seen as. I too, am quite a child at times, but I know right from wrong. Lucy, she is still learning, and that's what we're here for. I gently rose to my feet with her in my arms and brought her over to the couch where she would be able to peacefully sleep without any disruptions besides Liam, who was a quiet person when appropriate. Speak of the devil.

"Hey mate, what's going on?" He appeared from around the corner. I instantly put my finger to my lips, signaling to hush and pointing to Lucy, who was squirming, probably because Liam nearly woke her. He gave a thumbs up and walked next to me to whisper. "Why is she sleeping? Its noon." He contemplated while turning on the fossit to wash his hands.

"I don't know, I was wondering that myself. But I guess she is just tired. You know how teenagers are." I replied, acting like I wasn't one myself even though I was about to be 22. He shrugged and went over to the kitchen counter where Lucy's laptop sat cleanly on the granite. Without looking suspicious, he quickly opened the purple machine and entered a password in. "Liam, what are you doing? That's Lucy's!" I spat, careful of her privacy because if she knew that we were even near her stuff, there would be trouble.

"Oh relax, I'm just checking her school work!" he answered, trying to make me lower my volume. A sigh of relief came over me as I put my water cup down, walking over to where he was. Lucy has been transferred to online school since the tour was started so she could still get the education she needed. Liam's eyes quickly scanned the computer screen, blinking every now and then to refuel his dry eyes. When his expression changed, I backed off, not wanting to know what happened, but dying to find out. Oh shit, Lucy, what did you do now? I wanted to save her from her own self, is that even possible? "You are kidding me. Lucy better have an explanation." He hissed. I leaned in, sneaking a peak at the screen.

"What happened?" I asked desperately. He glared at me with a confused look written on his face. I backed away, not wanting him to get angry.

"Louis, what's wrong, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. You don't have to be afraid of me." He explained, putting a friendly hand on my back. I guess I was afraid in a way. I just hated when people were angry. "Lucy has 7 assignments due that she could have worked on this whole week. They are due tomorrow, so she is going to spend her Saturday working." He concluded. I sighed. Why did Lucy have to procrastinate? She did well in school, but her work always seemed a little rushed when she gave it to me for proofread. Her grammatical errors were few and far between, but her sentence structure was always a little off. I looked back on the couch and saw Lucy still sleeping on her side, back towards us.

"She will get it done, we can help her too." I suggested. Liam nodded slowly and headed back towards the bonus room, probably to play FIFA or something like that. I was left at the counter staring at the computer with 7 MISSING ASSIGNMENTS written in large letters. I slapped her laptop closed and walked into my room.

Lucy's P.O.V.

I awoke to the chatter and clatter of plates being put in the cupboards' where they belonged. I sat up, realizing the I was on the couch in the main room. Falling asleep on Louis seemed familiar, but I wasn't quite sure. I looked to where the noise was accounting and Niall, Harry, and Zayn were tidying up the kitchen and putting away groceries. I rolled over and gasped as my aching bum hit the corner. I hopped up, fully energized to go help them. "Hey princess, nice sleep?" Zayn smiled. I nodded, taking the plates from his hand and stacking them in the cupboard. "Thanks, sweetie." He replied, patting my head. I grinned as he leaned in to hug me. I wrapped my lanky arms around his rock hard body. Standing on his feet, I let my head place naturally at the end of his stomach. He rubbed up and down on my back and it felt like it was only us two there, like nothing even mattered. Zayn had a way of doing that to me, making me feel so special, like the only girl in the world. I released my grasp on his waist and smiled. Saying nothing, he grinned and went back to putting away groceries. I looked at Niall who was on his phone, probably texting Miranda. Ever since they met, I have said about 5 words to Niall and he has said about 2 to me. I overheard that she is coming for dinner tomorrow, God help me. I was about to exit the kitchen when a familiar voice held me back.

"Hold it!" Liam spared. I turned around to have 3 pairs of eyes on me, all full of concern. I put my hand to my heart, realizing that Liam was in the living room. How did I not notice him? He walked over to the kitchen counter and brought my laptop over to me. "You better get those assignments done by tomorrow or else you will have a very sore bum." He said sternly. I looked up to find his finger in my face, pointing and threatening. I totally forgot that they could check my grades! How was I going to get all this work done in a day? I clenched my fist at the thought of Liam telling me what to do and made my way over to the kitchen table, carefully sitting down.

"Don't get too upset Lucy, we will help you. But don't think that I'm going to do all the work like last time!" Harry spoke. I looked over at his gleaming eyes and smiled. He was so gullible because last time, I acted so stupid; he just did my report for me. I decided to start with my autobiography. And after 3 pages of rambling on about my life and my recent accomplishments, I was finished. I wanted to save my math homework for last because it was the hardest. I was never great at math, unlike Harry. The numbers just seemed to get all jumbled up in my head. I focused on getting all my other homework finished and after about 4 hours, I did with no help from the guys. I didn't need them.

(15 minutes later)

"I can't do it!" I screamed at Harry who was trying his best to help me understand my math homework. I folded my arms and slouched back in my chair, not wanting to even look at the strange unsolved equations on the table.

"Lucy, you can do it! Here, sit up and I will explain it again." He pushed my back up to the table to face my problem. "All you have to do is take the x variable and multiply it by the y variable, then subtract that from the amount you get from the number given to you." He persisted. I still didn't get the material. How was I supposed to know what the variables were? I shook my head, refusing to do any more.

"I don't get it! I'm just too stupid!" I cried. He sighed heavily.

"Lucy, don't ever say that you are stupid. You are very very smart, if you weren't, than we would have gotten you help a long time ago." He claimed, trying to convince me that I was where I was supposed to be, but I knew I wasn't. I got up from my chair, pushing Louis out of the way to go to my room at the end of the hall.

"I'm taking a break." I mumbled, barely above a whisper. Somehow, they managed to hear me.

"Ok, but I'm coming to get you in an hour and we are going to finish this." Harry yelled down the hall as I slammed my door, angry at myself for not being able to understand such simple math.

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