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Edited 12/30/15

We were staying in a hotel suite now, quite large with the appropriate amount of bedrooms that weren't the size of Harry Potter's. However this didn't solve the fact that they're young boys who are very loud through all hours.

The next morning I woke up to the clatter of plates in the kitchen. I groaned and let my head fall back into the pillow. Whoever the hell is fucking unloading the dishwasher at this hour will be fucking chopped up, sautéed, and served at the next family meal.

Did I mention I'm not the nicest person when I wake up?

My blurred eyes squinted at the clock to find it nearly 10:30 in the morning. I perched myself on my elbow and breathed unsteadily trying to revive myself from a thirteen hour sleep.

I regret nothing.

Thinking I should take a shower, my rugged legs took me to my bathroom where I tiredly turned the handle on the shower to make it spew hot water everywhere. Little did I know that the shower head wasn't exactly facing the glass cubicle. It was facing me. As you can probably tell in my drunken-like state, I didn't take a notice to it and turned on the water. A wet sensation spread from my head and dripped on my shoulders, covering me in water before I could reach back and turn the handle off. But instead of dealing with this situation of surprise with grace, I jumped and instantly grew furious, smashing the handle to the off side and groaned, wiping off my face and clothing. "DAMN IT." I whisper yelled to myself for being such an idiot.

However, I stripped myself of my now wet clothing and stepped in the shower after I adjusted the head to face the right way.

I had let the boiling water run all over my skin and began cleansing myself. After shaving, I stepped out of the shower to wrap a white towel around myself. It was an ordinary day so I slipped on a t-shirt I have yet to remember and a pair of skinny jeans that would be comfortable enough for my afternoon naps.

Priorities, really.

After towel drying my hair, I dragged myself from my room and into the kitchen where Liam stood, wiping down the counter tops with a rag. "Well look who decided to wake up" He chuckled, pulling my shoulder into his side. I squirmed until he released his grip on me and I huffed. "I know squirt, you needed the sleep. Now how about we get something in your stomach." He added. I urgently nodded since my stomach acids were gnawing at my organs, I could eat a fucking village, Payne!

I also may have a slight addiction to food...

Sensing my eagerness, Liam set a bowl of cereal in front of me as I started gobbling it down. Before I could indulge myself any further, Harry piped up from the couch, directly connected with the kitchen. "Love, could you get me that catalog behind you?" He asked politely and pointed to a spot past me. I rolled my eyes and dropped my spoon to make a loud clinking sound on the side of the bowl. I retrieved the catalog from the counter and threw it at Harry, who caught it abruptly. "Thanks, munchkin." He teased.

"What have I told you about calling me that?" I growled and he laughed since annoying me was one of his all time favorite activities.

After I had finished my breakfast, I pranced to the living room area where the boys were situated, watching something dreadful as usual. A foot nudged my back from the couch and I turned to see a frustrated Liam. "Do we really need to have this conversation again?" He spat.

"What?" I sassed. My attitude never really did get me into the best situations but hey, we're all here to learn right?

"Your dishes Lucy!" He shouted, causing me to chuckle at such an outburst for a bowl left on the table. Boohoo.

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