I Feel Like I'm Gonna Burst

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          "Xio?" I cautiously enter the kitchen and look around for the little vampire. A lot of the staff give me disgusted looks as they see I am naked. It's not like I had time to put on clothes! If I took too long, he could have woken up and punished me for sneaking out. That'll probably happen anyways, but the risk is worth it.

              Xio appears next to me with a black robe in hand. I give a thankful look and slip it onto my body. Feeling the softness against my bare skin is very nice and it fits over my very large baby bump. It looks like I'm about to burst.

         Xio whispers in my ear, "Follow me. Very important information." Nodding, I watch her leave the kitchens through a back door, and I follow close behind.

               She leads me down winding hallways that seem never ending. I attempt to ask questions but she just shushes me and gives me a worried and paranoid look. Realizing walking in silence is what is happening, I shut my mouth and follow my new friend.

            We reach a small wooden door, with animal carvings adorning it, and she enters the door

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            We reach a small wooden door, with animal carvings adorning it, and she enters the door. I follow her lead and gasp when I see he interior.

         Blood is spattered on the walls and multiple different types of torture devices are laying around. Sniffing the air, I feel tears of anger stream down my cheeks as the blood is Helia's. The blood of my beloved. The woman who I love more than anyone or anything. The woman who is carrying the other set of twin girls. Our daughters.

              I face Xio and ask, my voice cracking, "Where is she?" Xio looks down and shakes her head solemnly. She states, "I heard screaming in here and went to check it out. When I opened the door, i saw a very tall woman torturing a pregnant woman. A Goddess but also part Fairy. I lunged for the woman, and pinned her. I then punched her skull, knocking her out. I released the woman and told her to run as far away as she could. After she had escaped, the torturer came up behind me and sliced me up."

             Xio lifts her shirt over her head, showing her bare torso. Knife slashes covered her body. At least three deep slashes were on the sides of her body, at least twenty deep slashes were on her abdomen, and too many slashes to count on her back. My tears poured now. Angry at this woman who tortured my wife and who harmed my friend.

                Walking over to a whip on the floor, I see some dried blood on it. Placing my finger on top of it, jolts run through my body. My soul reopens to Helia again. Our mind link reestablishes.

          Yelling frantically in the mind link I say, "Helia!" I hear sobs on the other side and she answers back, "Art! How did you connect us back?" I reply to my love, "I touched a whip that harmed you and touched the dried blood upon it. Where are you?" Her uncontrollable sobs were now heartbreaking and she told me, "I don't know Arte. I ran deeper into the castle and now I don't know where to go. Please help me. Please." Wrapping my arms around myself I promise my wife, "I am going to find you. To save you. My strong, resilient, beautiful wife. Just hold on, keep strong. I will find you." I feel my Heli nod before the mind link cuts off.

             Jolting back into reality, I stare at my friend. She is staring at me, worried, and says, "Where is she?" Sighing hopelessly I tell her, "We have to find her. But right now, if I don't go back to Porphyrion he will wake up without me next to him. And then he will be pissed and harm me again. And I've probably got to hold up my part of our deal again."

         My friend nods, and I walk I her. Placing both of my palms on her shoulders I say, "Thank you for helping me. I am a stranger and you have taken me in as if I am family. Sacrificing your safety for my wife. Thank you." Xio nods and rushes me out of the room. I take the black robe off as I close the door, passing it back to her.

         She smiles sadly and closes the door on me. I spin on my heels, and go back to the bedroom. My torture chamber.

            I almost sigh in relief when I see Porphyrion still asleep, his arm stretched out for me

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            I almost sigh in relief when I see Porphyrion still asleep, his arm stretched out for me. Swallowing my repulsion, I slip under his arm and cuddle into his side. The one good thing about him is his skin is always warm. His eyes flutter open at my movement and smiles lazily down at me.

         I grin tiredly up at him and he says huskily, "You'll need to pay up soon love." Nodding I smile seductively and purr, "I would love to. But not right now, I am exhausted. Between our amazing sex and me being so close to my due date tires me out immensely. Can I please get some more sleep?"

             He, surprisingly, nods and allows me to snuggle closer into his side. Getting comfortable, my head is on his chest and arms curled around his stomach. He places the hand that is connected to the arm that is slung over me, on my large belly. He sighs in happiness and whispers, "Imagine waking up like this everyday. It's beautiful, just like you."

            I snuggle in deeper and fall asleep to his steady heartbeat and his hand rubbing my belly. I dream of saving and being with my Helia. Being happy again.

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