Aren't Memories Just Sooooo Fun?

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Running through the night feels so natural to me. Giggling, I speed up and begin running faster than a cheetah can ever dream to run. I spot a river flowing ahead, and slow down my pace to be able to stop and rest.

I arrive at the river and fall into it, gasping for breath because of all my giggles. Remembering the reason I was here, I jump up and look about my surroundings. I only spot numerous birds, and a few deer and forest animals. All standing at attention, ready to protect me on a moment's notice.
Clapping. Clapping is what I hear, as I feel a searing pain go up my spine. The pain travels to the top of my spine, back down, and comes rushing back up. My mouth opens and I let out a pain filled groan.

Deers burst from their hidings in the trees, and pounce onto my attacker. I hear the attacker let out a gasp of surprise, and I fall to the ground, paralyzed. Wolves burst from the trees next, and my two trusted companions come to me. Twilight looks into my eyes, and I nod weakly.
Lana begins pawing at my back, and Twilight begins to lick my arms and face. Lana finds a lump on my back and digs her claws into it.
I let out a bloodcurdling scream, and hear my attacker collapse onto the forest floor. Lana digs out a specimen from my lump and lets out a breath of fire. The specimen catches light and burns to ashes, rejoining the ground.
Twilight finishes licking me, and I feel my arms. I have feeling in them again. I nod graciously to my companions, and turn onto my attacker.

I see that it is none other than Apollo. My Gods damned twin. Of fucking course! His eyes are tightly shut, his body seizing. Smirking, I kick his side very hard, and he ceases to seize. His eyes open immediately and looks back into my own.
He jumps onto his feet and yells at me, "You little bitch! Why must you always ruin my plans?!" I stare back at him and scream, "I'm the little bitch?! You are the one who has damned yourself. Your wife has left you for another, you are trying to kill your own sister, and all of the Olympians are against you! Except for stupid father. He is no help either way. So, why am I the little bitch? You are the one who comes up with these preposterous plans!"
My twin glares at me and growls, "You killed him. It is your fault he is dead." I pull out my bow as soon as he utters that word. Knocking an arrow I calmly state, "You killed him. You know you did, brother. He was my closest male friend. The only male Hunter. Why would I kill him?! Having him was the closest thing I ever had to feeling love! I did not send him on that mission. You and your perverted mind sent him in his mission. The one that killed him. Then you denied it. You denied him the honor of a proper burning! You denied him if his honor! You blamed me, his closest companion. How do you think that felt, being blamed for your loved one's death?"

Apollo just stares at me and whispers, "You killed him sister." Yelling I fire my arrow at him in a blind rage. I shoot over twenty arrows into his body. The last arrow, I hold in my hand. "You know I did not kill him. Now, I will punish you. For accusing me of killing him. I will erase every memory of Daphne not truly loving you. Every single memory. So that you will have to go through that again. Even better! I will place upon you a curse in which states that every time Daphne tells you that she does not love you, you will forget. You will forget that ever happened. Even if you walk in on her and Amphitrite. You will forget. You will be cursed with not knowing the truth of Daphne's feelings. Reliving not feeling good enough. You will always have a void in your heart which can never be filled. Just like you did to me with Hyacinth. You killed him! All because of your stupid bragging!"
Tears fall from my brother's eyes and he whispers, "You killed my one love. My soul mate." Shaking my head, I place my curse upon my twin.

His eyes glaze over and he says, "I must go see Daphne! Why am I here? Why am I not with Daphne?!" I nod my head at him and he grins, teleporting to Olympus. He rushes to meet the woman he married, just to find her bedding her true love.

He killed his true love, so why not let him suffer? Blaming it on me! The douche!

        He killed his true love, so why not let him suffer? Blaming it on me! The douche!

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I come out of my memory, to find my pillow soaked with tears. I was immature, and I am not able to lift the curse from him. It will not lift until he accepts that he killed his true love. Hyacinth. My closest friend. My loved one. Apollo got him killed because of pettiness! He fell in love with Hyacinth, and Hyacinth fell in love with him. They had many pleasant years, and they were about to go through the God induction ceremony. Then, Apollo bragged to the wind God, and he became jealous of what Apollo had.
The wind God created a force so strong, that only a Hunter of Artemis could defeat it. Only a male Hunter was allowed to pass, and Hyacinth was the only one. I warned Hyacinth and Apollo of this trickery, but Apollo did not fully understand. Hyacinth saw the trickery and begged his husband-to-he to apologize to the wind God. Apollo stated that he was being dramatic and the wedding drama was getting to his head.
Apollo forced his soul mate to go on that Hunt. Even after his soul mate objected, for months. Hyacinth gave up, and knowing that his death was upon him, begged me to watch after his one true love. I promised him and he embarked on the journey.

A mortal week later, we found Hyacinth, lying dead upon a mountain top. The monster no where in sight. The wind God next to his dead body, laughing at Apollo. Apollo fell to his love's side and wept. He wept for months.
When he stopped weeping, he blamed me for his love's death. He told me that it was all my fault. That I forced Hyacinth to go on this Hunt. I denied, calmly stating that it was Apollo who did. Apollo did not accept that, so I even showed him the memory of it.
He screamed at me that it was fake. That he was falsely accusing me. He sliced my left leg off, and my right hand. He took them with him as he left, for 'trophies'. Those appendages are now robotic ones made by my dearest brother, Hephaestus.
I lay by Hyacinth's side and wept for him. Wept for his death. Wept for his betrayal. I wept and wept, laying by his side for years. When I stopped crying, I gave him a proper ceremony. I burned his body.
Thanatos allowed his soul to join me in his ceremony, as Hyacinth was special to all of the Gods and Goddesses. Hyacinth thanked me and apologized for Apollo's behavior. I waved him off, and separated my spirit from my body. Being also made of mist, I gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead. Then returning to my body I promised him I will visit him every week.
I have held that promise. The only exception being when I was captured by Porphyrion. Both times.

My eyes begin to release all of the tears I have been holding back since Hyacinth died. My eyes fill and spill over with tears. My bed and clothes being stained with tears. I cry until I can cry no more, my body being empty of all water. Curling in on myself, I drift off into a nightmare filled sleep.

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