Males are Stupid, But When Have They Not Been?

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I wake up to find myself in a prison of sorts. I am in Porphyrion's stomach, of freaking course. I can feel him walking, and the 'walls' are moving around me. I sigh and sit on the 'floor'. I took Hestia's warning very seriously, and here I am, in Porphyrion's stomach. I'm probably going to be trapped in here for eternity, seeing as he can stop himself from digesting me. I scream in frustration and I hear Porphyrion chuckle so deeply, that it shakes the walls even more than they are were.
He says into my mind, "How does it feel being trapped in a prison, for all of eternity? Does it feel nice my dear Artemis? You will never escape my stomach Artemis. It is futile to even try. Go ahead and message your huntresses and the Gods and Goddesses. They will not be able to stop me and free you. I have many powerful, and evil creatures, with a need for revenge on my side. You will stay in my stomach for all of eternity, never able to do anything about it. You will feel how I felt in Tartarus."
I scream in frustration again and reply, "You will pay dearly for this Porphyrion. You will never escape my wrath, my huntresses' wrath, or the Gods' and Goddesses' wrath. You and your 'army' will be destroyed. I will tell them to save you for me though, for I will slay you myself." He just chuckles deeply again and says, "How will you escape though, little Artemis? I swallowed you so very easily, lured you to my cave so very easily. Even with Hestia's warning, you were still swallowed by little ol' me. Ha! You are a joke of a Goddess my dear Artemis. You deserve to be swallowed by me. The Great Porphyrion, conqueror of lands and heavens." He continues to just chuckle deeply.
I sigh and realize screaming will only satisfy him, and begin to contact Hestia. "My dear Hestia. I have been captured. I have been swallowed by the Giant Porphyrion. I am very sorry that I did not take your warning even more seriously. I have been swallowed by him, and are trapped here for all of eternity. I will do my best to get out by myself, but please come to my aid. Bring the other Gods and Goddesses with you as well. Please."
I sit, waiting for what felt like five hours, and I finally get a reply from Hestia. "Oh, my dear friend. I have told the Gods and Goddesses of what has happened to you, and like I predicted, everyone single God and Goddess have fallen into despair. Zeus will not stop his storms, Poseidon will not calm his oceans, Apollo will not rise the sun, Hades will not see any souls, Athena has even fallen into despair. Ares has called for war, and Zeus is too irrational to call a meeting of the Gods. I have assumed Zeus's position, seeing as I am the most rational one here. Amphitrite is working on calming Poseidon down, trying to rationalize with him. Hera is trying to calm Zeus down. Andonia is calming Hades down, Daphne is trying to calm Apollo down, and Hecate is trying to save Athena before all of her reason goes away. Hephaestus has calmed down Ares by taking him to their bed. I am calling a meeting of the Gods whilst we speak. Go and tell your huntresses to join us. Now." I reply, "I love you Hestia, platonically of course, thank you for all of this. I am so sorry I did not take your warning to the next level. Good luck Hestia. Farewell." I can hear her sobbing as I cut of the contact and contact Calipia.
"Calipia, it is Artemis. This is very important. Listen extremely closely, my child. I have been swallowed by the Giant we were trying to slay. His name is Porphyrion. Do not blame yourself for myself getting swallowed. I ordered you girls to run, and you followed. For that I am grateful, he would have massacred you all. I knew he only wanted to swallow me, and I would rather you all get to safety than be massacred. Tell the others of this and you must all go to Olympus right away. Do not step out of line, any of you, for Olympus is already on the brink of destruction. Be extremely careful and go now. Contact me when you all arrive there." 
I do not hear from her for three minutes, then she comes into my thoughts. "We have made it safely to Olympus. We are in the throne room, and Hestia has guided us near the back pillars as to not get hurt. I have told the other huntresses of your situation and they have fallen into despair and rage. When I told them, they shot their arrows at the nearest things. They screamed in rage, and pain. I told them we had to go to the meeting of the Gods and they calmed down so I could teleport us all. We are awaiting Hestia to begin the meeting. I will contact you when she is finished."
I feel a tear fall from my eye and onto my tan arm. "Do not despair child, I will escape. Stay strong." When I cut off the link, Porphyrion began to chuckle deeply again, and I feel him sit down.
He says to me, "You are never escaping. Do not give your 'child' false hope Artemis. I am about to start digesting you so that the acid will burn your skin. Have fun, sweetheart." My eyes widen, and I scream in fear. He just chuckles as he begins to digest me.
His stomach acid begins to rise higher, and higher, until it finally reaches my legs. It first burns through my pants, then it hit my legs. I scream in pain, just to hear Porphyrion chuckle. He slips into my mind and says, "I will allow it to reach your perfect breasts, so that I may see them every day of eternity. So that the fabric of your shirt will burn off, and your bra fabric will burn off. I will be able to gaze at your breasts every day, for all of eternity."
He chuckles as I scream in pain. When the acid reaches my neck, and burns off all of my clothes, it begins to retreat. I whimper in pain, as the acid retreats leaving me naked for his eyes to see. My skin was still its deep tan, with no burn marks. My round, full breasts on display, and there is nothing I can do other than fall to the floor in pain.
I hear him purr in my head then say, "There are those perfect breasts I've been longing to see for all of eternity. Now I can see them for the rest of eternity. I can see every bit of you, and every bit of you is delicious. I will always be satisfied now, with you to fill my fantasies, why wouldn't I be satisfied? They are round, perky, even, and large. Not obscenely large though, just the perfect size. No one I have ever seen before can even begin to hope to match your beauty. I wish I could touch you, and pleasure myself with you. Maybe I will. It is all up to me, anyways."
I begin to weep curling my legs up to my chin and hugging them. That is when I felt him begin to regurgitate me, and I felt my stomach drop, knowing what he will do to me when I get out.

AN: Porphyrion is above

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