Story of My Liiiiiiiiiife *cue One Direction*

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     "It all started a long time ago, before mortals were even created. I was born into this vast universe, and then I helped my mother give birth to Apollo. When Apollo was born, Zeus decided he was the better twin, and tried to kill me. My mother, foresaw what was going to happen and sent me down to the earth. Myself, being just born, was very confused and lost. In my confusion, I brought to life wolves. And after I created them, they followed me everywhere. Seeing what I could do, I decided to try and create something else."
       I clasp my fingers around my fiancé's hand and continue, "I found some clay in a nearby area and sat, sculpting. I sculpted for three moons, and when I finished, I breathed life into them. I put moonlight in their souls, and purity of heart and mouth. Four young girls sat in front of me, blinking their new eyes and looking about. They all turned to me and said, 'mother, where are we?' I explained the situation and the girls were furious. They vowed to exact revenge on my father for almost killing me. Seeing no point in arguing, I trained them. I trained them with bow, hand, foot, knife, sword, and elements.

The girl with the fire hair, Salai, excelled in controlling fire and wielding a sword as well as a bow. The girl with blue hair, Alai, excelled in controlling water and wielding a knife along with bow. The girl with brown and green hair, Cilia, excelled in controlling the earth and close contact as well as bow. The last girl, with white hair, Dalai, excelled in controlling the air and wielding daggers as well as bow."
      Grinning I continue on, "So, it took us 100 years, but we were all fully ready. All the girls had become experts in their elements, and all of the weapons I taught. We decided to lure Zeus out of Olympus. Dalai used her air skills and carried a message from us across the wind, up into Olympus. The message said, 'You still want to kill me father? Come to the island called Delos and fight.' Zeus was enraged by our message and came to the island. We all shot him in the chest as soon as he appeared in the sky, and he fell to the earth. He then rose up and we all met him in combat."
        I feel a few tears slip out and Helia wipes them away. "Salai used fire to make Zeus's hair catch on fire and Alai used water to fill her lungs, attempting to drown him. Cilia then used earth to raise him up into the sky and then Dalai used air to make him fly threw the air. I kept shooting arrows at him and then my wolves decided to join the fight. The wolves took to the sky and were biting and clawing at him. Eventually we wore him down and he surrendered. The girls stopped and my wolves came back to my side. Zeus fell to the earth, cringing in agony and defeat. I made him swear to never try to kill me or my wolves or my huntresses. He swore on the River Styx and we allowed him to leave peacefully. When we all turned to leave, Zeus struck a bolt of lightning into Salai's back. She fell to the ground, and I could hear Zeus chuckling. Salai then began laughing and converted the lightning into fire, then flung it at Zeus.
       "Zeus fell back down, and Nyx then showed up. She glared at Zeus's body and walked to us. My wolves began snarling but I calmed them down, as I wanted to see what Nyx wanted. She said to us, 'Thank you ladies. For I have been trying to get this sleezebag to break an oath. He deserves to be punished for what he did to my dear niece. Now, sweetie, if you want to come back to Olympus you can. You can rejoin your family. Also, these four girls can become Goddesses with you.' I turned to my girls and they all nodded. So I agreed and we were all transported to Olympus.

Alai became Iris, Goddess of rainbows and the messenger of the Gods. Salai became Eos, the Goddess of day. Cilia became Eirenne, the Goddess of peace. And Dalai became Themis, the Goddess of divine justice. We all have our own duties but they go on hunts and are my original huntresses. My newer huntresses do not have the ability to control the elements, except for one, but they are amazing.

My father tried to kill me at birth, and he still continues to try and kill me. He puts on a front like we are happy and get along but we don't. So, never trust my dad. For anything."

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