Chapter 27

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Above is of Dimi in her bathing suit because I couldn't resist drawing it, she's my annoyed little child and I love her.

(Also I'm still working on human anatomy. So if anything looks strange that's why.)


Once Dimi and Simion got to the pool, they already saw that the host club had gotten there, all sporting their bare chests and bathing suits, except Haruhi, who was wearing a simple cover-up.

"Hello you two!" Tamaki exclaimed happily once he saw the two walking up.

The twins appeared on both sides of Dimi, looking her up and down. "Why are you wearing this ugly cover-up?" Hikaru asked.

"Yeah, aren't you going to swim?" Kaoru asked.

"Of course I'm going to swim. I'm just not wanting to only be in my bathing suit until we're actually ready to be in the pool." Dimi said as she started to walk into the building, the rest of the host club starting to follow her.

When they got inside, the smell of chlorine hit Dimi's nose, along with the innocent and playful screams of children having fun.

"Let's find somewhere to sit." Dimi muttered mostly to herself as she looked around for a spot big enough for the host club, soon finding a space with some chairs.

"Alright Di-chan, let's go swimming!" Honey exclaimed, his eyes shining as he grabbed her hand and pulled it to the pool.

Dimi sighed, "Let me take this dress off first." She grabbed the fabric and easily slid it over her head, throwing it on a chair. When she was done, she saw all of the hosts staring at her. "What?"

"I never thought you'd be a bikini person, Dimi." Hikaru stated with a grin.

"I looks good." Kaoru added.

"I know right." Simion said, resting an arm on Dimi's head.

"Fight me Simi." Dimi muttered angrily.

"Gladly." Simion responded. "CHICKEN FIGHT!"

Suddenly, Dimi was sitting on top of Tamaki's shoulder, Simion on top of Mori's.

"How and when did this happen?" Dimi asked, extremely confused.

"Just roll with it." Haruhi told her from the side of the pool, looking at the four in the pool with an unamused expression.

Tamaki took a step forward and so did Mori, brining both Simion and Dimi closer. Sighing, Dimi got her arms and hands in a battle ready position, watching as Simion did the same thing, a grin spreading on his face.

Once the two were within arms reach, they started to battle it out, Dimi sent a blow towards Simion's face, and he sent one towards her. This went on until Dimi felt herself slipping off of Tamaki's shoulders and fall back into the water.

She surfaced and took a breath of air, looking up at the laughing Simion who was still on Mori's shoulders.

"Mori, drop him." Dimi said with a wide grin, watching as Mori leaned back slightly, catching Simion off guard and causing him to fall back into the water. Dimi burst out in laughter, until water watched over her head, she looked over and saw Simion with a wicked grin on his face. "Oh you're on!" She exclaimed, splashing him.

Hours later, the host club was heading out of the pool, passing a group of boys. One of them whispered something as they passed.

"You thought you could get away, Dimiera?"

Dimi's eyes widened and she looked back at the group, none of them even looking back at her. She took a deep breath and glanced at Simion, who knew something was wrong.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Once back at the apartment, Dimi was pacing in her apartment.

"Calm down, Dimi." Simion said.

"How can I calm down? He knew my name, Simion!" Dimi exclaimed, looking at him with wide eyes. "There's no way That I can calm down."

"Look, we've been through worse." Simion said, standing in front of Dimi and wrapping his arms around her. "We can get through this. Best bet is that it's someone from an old dimension that we ended up running from."

Dimi took a deep breath, moving closer to Simion as tears threatened to fall, "But what if it's not?" She asked, her voice slightly shaking.

"Then we'll take care of it just like we always do." Simion said.

Dimi stayed quiet, sniffling every now and then as the two stood in the middle of the apartment. "Simion, thank you for always staying by my side."

"Of course, I'd never leave your side, princess, our dimension or not." Simion whispered back.

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