Chapter 13

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The next day, Dimi woke to the sun shining in her face. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Glancing outside, she noticed that the sun was only just rising. Getting out of the bed, she grabbed a plain white short sleeved shirt and some shorts that ended just above her knees. Grabbing a zip up sweater, she put it on and left it unzipped, it would still be a bit chilly since the sun was just coming up. She didn't put on any shoes because she figured she wouldn't need them.

Quietly, she walked out of her room and past the others, managing to leave the villa unnoticed. Walking along the shore, Dimi stuck her hands into the pockets and headed into the shallows. She stood still looking at the sun rise as the water surrounded her feet.

She held out a hand and tried to open a portal again, not feeling surprised when nothing happened. Sighing, she let her hand fall back to her side, and just stood there, watching as the sun started to rise. It was peaceful, until she heard voices behind her.

"Hey look, I think that's a chick over there."

Dimi looked towards the source of the voice, seeing a group of people that looked to be around 16 or 17. She just looked away and didn't pay much attention to them. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Dimi looked back, seeing the same group of boys now standing behind her.

"Hey girl." One of them said, an idiotic look on his face. He was obviously trying to act like a player, but he was failing miserably.

"What?" Dimi asked, no emotion in her voice.

"Why don't you come with us for a good time." Another one of the goons said.

"I'd rather not." Dimi said, brushing the man's hand off her shoulder calmly. "Now if you don't mind, I should be leaving now. My friends will worry about me if I'm not back soon."

"Aw, I bet they wouldn't be too worried. Besides, you'll be safe with us." Another goon said, grabbing Dimi's shoulder.

Dimi sighed, she didn't want to deal with this right now. She quickly turned, raising her leg and kicking him straight in the cheek. He stumbled to the side, holding the area she kicked.

Soon all of them were surrounding Dimi, there were only three, but they seemed to surround her smartly, in a triangle formation. Though she wasn't intimidated in the least. Even when they each pulled out pocket knives.

Dimi just sighed and watched as all three of them lunged. She jumped up in the air, easily dodging them, though sadly, they didn't run into each other like she hoped they would, they just all ran past each other.

Dimi landed back onto the sand, then she felt a sudden pain on the back of her neck, quickly, she placed her hand on the back of her neck and felt a wetness, moving her hand and looking at it, she saw a red liquid running down her fingers and dripping down onto the sand. Turning around, she looked at the goon who had cut her, it was easy to tell it was him because there was blood on his pocket knife.

She lunged, kicking him in the back of his knees, making him fall. Then she kneed him in the chin, he fell backwards, seeming to be passed out. She heard a step in the sand and she quickly turned around, kicking the man lunging towards her right in the stomach, he fell to the side, bending in a ball position and holding his stomach while groaning in pain.

Dimi looked around for the third goon, but she didn't see him. She heard the splash of water and she turned to see the third, and final goon with his knife pointed towards Dimi.

Dimi felt the knife impale her chest, and she heard the ripping of fabric as it cut down. Blood spurted out of the cut, and the goon looked terrified that he may of killed Dimi.

She looked down at him, her eyes narrowed and dangerous. He pulled the knife away and got back into a defensive position. Dimi sighed and kicked him in the cheek, easily knocking him out.

"That was easy." She muttered.

Looking down, she placed her hand above the cut, feeling the wound already start closing. Placing her hand on the back of her neck, she felt nothing but smooth skin and dried blood. Luckily, when she wasn't in her own dimension, she healed inhumanly fast. Though her shirt on the other hand wasn't as lucky.

Sighing, she looked down at the three passed out men at her feet. She really didn't want to deal with them right now, but she should probably move them from plain sight, they were too obvious, and so close to the villa too. Grabbing the shirt collars of two of the goons, she dragged them behind a rather large rock, she walked back and grabbed the last one, laying him on top of his friends.

"Well that was a drag." Dimi said, sighing. She looked down at the blood soaked white shirt, the wound had already closed. By now, the sun had risen enough to shine brightly against the water. Dimi expected that some of the others were awake by now, so she would have to sneak back into her room without being seen.

Walked back to Kyoya's villa, she opened the door quietly, and started to head back down to the hall, she had reached her door when someone grabbed her shoulder.

"So, back from your walk?" Kyoya asked from behind Dimi, causing her to freeze and look back.

I'm screwed.

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