Chapter 9

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Dimi was sitting at a table near the window, three girls sitting on front of her.

"Wow, you look great as a leopard, Dimi!" One of the girls said.

"Yeah! I bet you're as brave as one too!" Another one said.

"I think a leopard fits you!" The third girl exclaimed.

Dimi slightly smiled, "Why thank you." She said, making her voice smooth. "Though I feel like around you, I'll have to fight back any instincts I have, and protect you three. You're all so soft, and kind, I fear that around all these wild animals, you'll be vulnerable~" She stood up and grabbed one of the girls chins, and since she was sitting, she moved her chin up, and looked her in her eyes.

The girls blushed, hearts seeming to surround her head.

"Oh, wow." The girl who had her chin tilted up said, "Do you mind..."

"If we..."

"Request you tomorrow?"

Dimi smiled, and looked at the others through narrowed eyes. "That would be lovely~"

Hosting hours ended soon, and Dimi was heading to the dressing room to change, but she was stopped by Tamaki, who's eyes were shining.

"Dimi, you were great, a Natural!" He said.

'I don't think Natural is a good way to describe it.' Dimi thought. She actually had flirting training in a dimension not too long ago. It took a long time for her to master it, she had to learn how to flirt in order to infiltrate somewhere. "Thanks... I guess." She said, "Can I go change now." She adjusted her vest, knowing her bandages were probably showing.

Tamaki glanced at her shoulder, and Dimi knew he saw the bandages due to his wide eyes. "What-?"

Dimi's breath hitched, and she didn't let him finish, she walked past and quickly into the changing rooms, she changed back into her uniforms and she started to head out, seeing the others were cleaning up, she headed over to Kyoya, who was just standing there and writing in his book.

"Should I help clean up?" She asked.

Kyoya looked at her, "No. I don't think we'd need your help, we can manage."

Just as Kyoya said that, Dimi heard a crash, and she looked over, seeing one of the trees on the ground, rolling towards her and Kyoya. She lifted up a foot, and easily stopped it from injuring either of them. She could tell just by stopping it that it was heavy.

"Ah, Sorry!" Hikaru exclaimed, running up to the two. "It was heavier than expected."

"I'm surprised pretty rich boys like you do the cleanup." Dimi said, bending down and grabbing the branch, resting it on one shoulder as if it weighed nothing. "Maybe you should leave it to people who are used to heavy-lifting, Kay~?" She had an amused expression on her face as she looked at the twin's expressions, they were both in awe that she could carry something as big and heavy like the tree alone when they were struggling while carrying it together. She glanced back at Kyoya, who's eyes were slightly widened, Dimi shot a challenging look towards him, "Alright, where does this go?" She asked.

"Place it by the door. I'll get some people to take them away later." Kyoya said, recovering from his second of shock.


Dimi helped the others finish cleaning up, and then she headed out and back to her apartment.

She quickly did the assigned homework, and changed into some pajamas, eating an apple for dinner, then laying down n bed, falling asleep easily due to the tiring day she just had.

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