Chapter 17

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Alright, it's been a week, so, you all know what that means!!

The winner of the poll was 13 facts about me! It'll be up sometime in the next few days! For now, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

And again, thank you to everyone who's decided to follow me, and it's great to know we have quite a few Sinners in the world!


A couple minutes later, Simion was at the dining room table, Sitting across from the twins, Tamaki, and Kyoya.

"Now tell me, who's idea was it to lock Dimi in that room." Simion asked darkly.

Everyone pointed to Kyoya.

"Excuse me if I'm wrong, but it was you who told me she needed some outside help to forgive him."

"I didn't mean for you guys to lock her in a room with him!" Simion said, "And there was a fire lit in the fireplace for god sake! you locked her in a room, which is already something she fears, and, on top of that, you lit the fire in the fireplace, fire terrifies her!"

"How are we supposed to know that?" Hikaru asked. "And who's scared of being locked in a room, that's just stupid."

Simion looked at him, his eyes glinting dangerously. He reached across the table and grabbed Hikaru's collar, pulling his face close to his own. "Maybe if you went through what she did, you'd be scared of the same things. Ever seen the bandages?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"She has burn scars underneath." Tamaki said quietly.

"Still. The fear of being locked in a room is stupid, why would-." Hikaru started, only to be pushed back into his seat by Simion.

He glared at Hikaru with dangerous eyes, and slipped off his shirt, revealing a burn scar coving the whole of his chest and spreading on to his arms. "I'd like to see how you would react when you kick down a locked door to see the person you're supposed to be protecting being pushed into a fire and forced to see her parents burn to death right in front of her, maybe you'll think differently then." He seethed.

The four looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're not saying that..." Tamaki started.

"She was a little girl when it happened." Simion said, sitting down, calming himself a bit, "She doesn't like talking about it, she covers her scar because she doesn't even want to be reminded of the event. Her parents died trying to put out the fire."

All of them, except Kyoya looked ashamed, Kyoya just sat there, writing things down in his notebook with narrowed eyes. "You said you were supposed to be protecting her... What do you mean by that?" He asked, looking up at Simion.

Simion looking at him, shocked that he didn't seem affected by what he just told them, he sighed, "Dimi's a person of great importance where we're from. My parents protected her parents, and I grew up alongside her, and was assigned as her bodyguard ever since she was born." He was a thousand years older than Dimi, though, in human years, that would really only be one year older.

Tamaki looked up at him, seeming to recover from the shock. "Then where were you when she was attacked by those thugs?" He asked, his tone serious.

"Dimi can handle herself. I may be her bodyguard, but that doesn't mean she is helpless." Simion said. "I know that's the reason you and her were locked in the room. But you should know that she's had years of self defense training, not to mention she's been trained in many different forms of fightning and she even has family techniques she learned from when she was a little girl."

"She's that strong? She doesn't look it." Hikaru stated in awe.

"Well, you don't always judge a book by it's cover."

"Wait!" Hikaru exclaimed, "You said Dimi is a person of great importance!"

"Yeah!" Kaoru agreed, "If she is, then why does she act like a commoner, not to mention dress like one?"

Simion looked at them. "Well, she doesn't like to be treated like what she is, and it doesn't help that she cast herself out of her family once the event happened." He said, trying to be vague. "She prefers to be unnoticed by many, only being close to people she finds interesting, or if she has no choice in the matter. I assume that's what happened here." And since we can't leave... She's stuck with them.

"Wow." Tamaki said quietly. "I never knew."

"Of course you wouldn't." Simion said, "She doesn't talk about this stuff to anyone unless she can trust them completely." Simion stated. Then he sighed, feeling his eyes grow heavy. "Now it's getting late." he stood up from the chair he was sitting in, and slipped on his shirt. "I think all of you must be tired. Don't worry about Dimi, I'll watch over her." He turned around so he didn't get his reactions, and he headed towards the room Dimi was in. though before he left, he looked back to the others, "Don't tell her I told you all of this. And pretend that you don't know a thing. She hates it when people pity her."

Walking down the hall and reaching the room Dimi was in, he peeked through the door, he saw her figure fast asleep, she hadn't moved an inch from when he left. Smiling softly, he headed towards the desk that was in the corner of the room and sat down, glancing out the window.

He sighed, this has been a stressful night. I need a drink.

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