Chapter 7

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"So." The twin on the left, Hikaru Dimi assumed, started.

"Your going to draw portraits?" The other twin, Kaoru, asked.

Dimi nodded. "The idiot came up to me and didn't let me say no." She said, pointing at Tamaki.

"Alright everyone, I suggest we get ready to open." Kyoya said. "Tamaki will announce Dimi at the start of the club."

Everyone nodded, and Dimi headed over to one of the faraway tables that she assumed wasn't going to be used. Turning towards the door, she watched as it opened, and rose petals flew out onto the girls walking inside.

"Welcome ladies!" The seven boys said together.

"I have an announcement to make before we all settle down!" Tamaki said, getting the attention of the girls. "As some of you know, there's a new student here under the scholarship. He has so graciously agreed to draw portraits to your requests!"

The girls looked at Dimi, and she already could tell she wanted some of the girls to be drawn with their favorite host.

"Now that that announcement is aside, let's start." Tamaki said, some of the girls swooned, looking excited.

Hosting hours started, and Dimi was sitting at the table, messing around with her pencil.

"Um, can I request something?" A girl asked, causing Dimi to look up at her.

"Of course," Dimi said with a smile, "That's what I'm here for right? To draw your pretty face?"

A light blush covered her face, and she nodded. "Yeah. Could I maybe be drawn with Tamaki? I don't care about the details, though if I could be a princess?" She trailed off, looking away shyly.

"So you want me to draw you as yourself?" Dimi asked, she stood up and lifted the girls chin slightly. Though Dimi was shorter than most of the Hosts, she was still a bit taller than most of the girls. "Because all I see here is an elegant princess." She made her voice lower, smoother. If people though she was a boy, then she may as well flirt with as many girls as she could.

"W-well..." The girl's blush was deeper now, and she just nodded.

"I'll get right on that." Dimi said, quickly turning around and sitting in the chair, grabbing her sketchbook. "It may take a while, so you don't have to watch." Slightly shifting her gaze to look into the girls eyes, she smiled, "And don't worry, I would never forget a beautiful face like yours."

"A-Alright." The girl said her blush deepening, then she headed away.

As Dimi started drawing, she felt gazes on her, and she looked up, her blue eyes meeting with Kyoya's calculating onyx eyes. Dimi smirked, then looked back down at her drawing.

Throughout the club hours, Dimi got a couple more requests, she accepted them, while flirting with one, or two, or all of the girls that came up to her. Though many requested to be drawn with one of the hosts, there were some that wanted to be drawn with friends, or alone.

Dimi was working on her third picture when she heard he girls start to leave, and the hosts starting to clean up. She set down her sketchbook and stretched her hand, getting out cramps.

"You did pretty well for your first day." A voice said from behind her. "I think you may steal some of the other hosts cliants. If you become a host yourself of course."

Dimi looked over her shoulder to see Kyoya. "And what makes you think I want to be a host?" Dimi asked.

Kyoya looked at her, his eyes glinting. "Those art supplies don't pay themselves you know."

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