Chapter 16

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"Hey guys." Dimi called, "Could you please let me out?"

There was no response from the other side of the door, and Dimi pressed her ear against it, hearing voices moving away. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself.

She walked back to the bed and sat down, keeping her eyes on her hands and focusing on her breathing.

"Well, that was unexpected." Tamaki muttered. "So Dimi-"

"Shut up." Dimi snapped, not even looking at Tamaki. She closed her eyes and kept focusing on her breathing. Though she started to smell smoke. Opening her eyes quickly, she saw Tamaki kindling the fire that was in the fireplace. The fear that was already in her stomach stated to rise. "H-Hey Tamaki, could you not do that please?" She asked quietly, fear and dread mixing in her chest.

Tamaki looked at Dimi, confusion in his eyes. "Why?"

Dimi didn't respond, her eyes were locked on the fire.

'Mommy! Daddy!'

Dimi felt herself start to shake, and she managed to pull her eyes away from the fire, she moved to the headboard of the bed, leaning against it and pulling her legs against her chest, hugging them. She closed her eyes, flashes coming back to her, feeling her breathing quicken.

'Dimi! Quick, get out of the room and get help!' A woman with long blond hair exclaimed, her icy blue eyes widened in fear as the fire from the far corner of the room started to spread.

A younger Dimi ran to the door and tried to turn the handle, finding that it wouldn't turn. 'I can't open it!' She cried out, her eyes wide.

'Then Dimi, get on the bed and stay there!' A man with black hair said, grabbing the little girl and placing her on the bed, then going over to try to stop the fire.

Little Dimi watched as her dad tried to open a portal, though she watched as nothing happened.

'Daddy?' Little Dimi asked as she watched the fire start to spread around him.

'I'm fine.' Her dad said, his voice was strained. 'Iris, go to Dimi.' He looked over at the blond haired woman, who was next to him.

'I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone, Derik' She raised her hand, also trying to open a portal, though nothing happening.

'Mommy... Daddy.'

'Don't worry Dimi, we'll be fine.' Iris said, looking back at her daughter, 'Just stay there, okay?'

'Okay mommy.' Dimi said, hugging her knees with a stuffed rabbit in her arms.

After a while, screams of pain started to reach Dimi's ears. 'Mommy... Daddy?' She asked, her eyes starting to water. She crawled to the edge of the bed, the heat and the fire lapping at her clothes.

'Aw, does the little princess want to be closer to her family?'

A voice sounded behind Dimi on the bed, and she looked back, but before she could see who was behind her, two hands grabbed onto her shoulders and pushed her forwards into the flames, she dropped the stuffed rabbit and watched as it burned to ashes in front of her.

'Well, why doesn't she join them, then!'

Dimi screamed out in pain as she felt the flames burn through her clothing and sear her skin. Tears ran down her face. Looking forwards, she saw two dark figures laying on the ground unmoving.

Suddenly, the door flung open, and Dimi was pulled back onto the bed, crying and curling up in a ball, she was pulled up and someone's arms were around her, and the heat from the fire was gone.

"Sh, it's okay. Everything will be just fine.' A voice whispered as footsteps ran up to the two, Dimi looked up with blurred eyes, and saw people dressed in sky blue clothing, and long white coats, as they started to carefully pick her up, she started to black out.

~Tamaki's POV~
Tamaki watched as Dimi curled up on the bed, her head pressed against her knees. He shrugged it off, and stood up from the fire, and walked over to the window, looking down, he tried to open it only to find that they were on the second floor.

"Hey Dimi?" He asked, trying to get Dimi's attention to make up with her, when he didn't get a response, he looked over at her, freezing up when he saw the state she was in.

Dimi was shaking, her hands covering her eyes and her shoulders shaking in silent sobs. Tamaki walked over to Dimi and put his hand on her shoulder, her head popped up and she slapped his hand away, her eyes wide with fear and her cheeks wet from tears. She moved away from Tamaki, still shaking, though she moved her hands to her chest and grabbed the shirt she was wearing, pulling at it as if she were in pain.

Tamaki took a step back, he hasn't seen Dimi like this ever.

This went on for a minute or two, then the door was kicked open, Tamaki looked towards the door and saw the boy that hung out with them for the day.

"I'm here Dimi!" He exclaimed, running over to Dimi and wrapping his arms around her carefully. "Sh." He started to shush her, and Tamaki backed away, joining Kyoya and the twins who were standing at the door, worry on their faces.

"S-Simio-on." Dimi stuttered out, moving her hands from her shirt to his, she pressed her face against his chest, shaking with silent sobs, pressing her face into his chest.

"It's okay, everything will be just fine." Simion whispered, holding Dimi tightly in his arms. He looked back at the host club, who were just standing there watching. "Don't just stand there you idiots!" He said, "Someone get some ice!"

Everyone in the host club scurried out of the doorway, except Kyoya, he calmly walked up to the two.

"Is there anything I can do to help." He asked.

"Get some ice." Simion repeated.

"The others are getting it, and I'm quite knowledgeable in medical-"

Simion looked at him, his forest green eyes narrowed. "Shut it." He cut off Kyoya, who looked at Simion with slightly narrowed eyes, anger burning in them. "The only thing you can do to help is get some ice." He looked away from Kyoya and back towards Dimi, who had calmed down slightly but still had tears running down her cheeks, and her breathing was still ragged.

"S-Simon." She said, almost too quiet to hear, "I-It burns."

"Sh. Everything will be fine." Simion said quietly. "Now, Kyoya, I suggest you go and grab some ice. Those idiots May of gotten lost."

Kyoya just nodded. "Alright." He said, bitterness edging his voice. He turned and left the room, Simion stayed there, holding Dimi's head as she cried into his chest, he glanced at his own arms, light burn scars lining the upper parts of them. He closed his eyes and kept her close to his chest.

"Alright! We got the ice!" Tamaki and the twins exclaimed, entering the room.

"Shhh, shut it you three!" Simion said, "Give me the ice." He held out his hand and felt a cold bag on it, and he looked, seeing a small bag filled with ice he sighed, grateful that he sent Kyoya to grab more ice. Quietly, he moved away from Dimi and laid her down, placing some of the ice on the middle of her chest. Dimi's breathing calmed down, she moved her hands to grab the ice.

Simion sighed in relief as he saw her body start to relax, and her breath ing slowed into a steady rhythm, signifying that she was asleep. Her hand fell to her side, and the ice shifted on her chest, but she didn't move. A moment later, Kyoya came back with another small bag of ice, Simion placed that bag next to the other one, and Dimi relaxed even more.

Simion smiled slightly and stood up from the bed. "Good night, Princess." He whispered. Standing up straight, he looked over towards the four who were standing in the doorway. "Now, I think we need to have a little chat."

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