♣ Chapter 1 ♣

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          I sit on a bench in Edgewood Park, looking at the multicoloured ducks as they swim in the small pond nearby. I push my hand into a small brown paper bag and pull out pieces of bread, throwing them into the pond so that the beautiful birds can eat them. The sky is overcast, but that doesn't stop the multitude of the town's population from hanging out in the park.

          To the left of the pond is a playground, where small kids play, chasing each other and tumbling down on the sandy ground and enjoying themselves on the many different rides. Kids are truly a beautiful sight to behold, so delightful that I could look at them all day long. I just wish I had my own children, but I'd need a husband first...and I'm not exactly Beauty Queen material.

          "Megan!" the orotund voice of my friend snaps me out of my daze.

          "What? Oh, sorry, Jessie" I reply, turning my head to face her.

          "You were staring again," she says, frowning. "You only do that when something's on your mind. What's bugging you?"

          "It's nothing, really." I look back at the pond and continue to feed the ducks. Some of them quack and flap their wings. They're so cute that I couldn't suppress a smile.

          "Oh no," she grins. "You're not getting off that easily. What's bugging you? What's bugging you? What's bugging you?" she repeatedly asks, poking me in the side.

          "You're not gonna stop until I tell you, are you?" She nods in response and I sigh, "Fine."

          "Yay!" she grins and claps her hands.

          I take a deep breath, and as I am about to speak, a loud clap of thunder startles both of us. Thank God for that!

          Then, the clouds decide to weep, the large drops of rain pelting down on everyone in the park. The kids from the playground scream and run to their parents, who open umbrellas to shelter them as they leave. Jessie and I scramble up from the black park bench and run for shelter. The silhouette of a large oak tree is about twenty feet away, and we dart towards it. The rain is pouring so heavily that I can hardly see where I'm going, and that's how I end up colliding and tumbling down with someone to the ground.

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