Chapter 5: Tunnel Vision

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“Everybody get inside!” Ray commanded as he pushed the group through the doors. When he got inside he turned around and locked the doors, hoping that it would give the group some more time to escape. Raymond looked through the windows and saw that the men were getting out of their trucks. He and the group ran towards the principal’s office to find the rest of the group.

“We need to get out of here!” Jordan yelled as he crashed into the room.

“What is it?” Martin asked half asleep. He had dozed off in his chair so the wake-up call startled him a bit.

“There is a group of men outside who want to kill us! So we need to get out of here as fast as possible!” Ray explained, “Where is everybody else?”

“They went to bed hours ago, “Martin stated as he looked out the window, “We won’t be able to go outside. I know where we can hide.”

“Just take us there!” Josh demanded impatiently. So Martin ran out into the hallway and demanded that everybody followed him. The group ran down the halls to the gymnasium to find everybody asleep.

“Wake-up, everyone!” Walter yelled as he ran into the gymnasium. Raymond ran over to Jayme and started to shake her.

“Wake up, Jayme!” Raymond demanded as he shook her harder.

“What is it?” Jayme asked, “Oh it’s Ray! I thought you were dead.” She reached up and kissed him, “Come to sleep with me.” She started to go to sleep again and Ray started to get impatient. He picked her up and said, “Jayme we need to go or we will all die! So stop sleeping and let’s go!”

“Everybody go to the men’s change room!” Martin demanded as he picked Will up into his wheelchair. The group ran into the change room and waited for Martin. He was holding the door open for William and yelling, “Let’s go! Let’s go! We don’t have much time!”

“I’m trying!” Will stated as he wheeled through the door. Martin ran into the room, locked the door, than started looking frantically around the room.

“So are we just going to hide in here or is there something that I’m missing?” Jessica asked.

“No we aren’t just going to stay here. I just need to find something.” Martin answered as he lifted up a piece of the floor, revealing a hole that went below the school, “There it is!” A foul smell filled the room and one by one, people started to cover their mouths.

“What is that smell? And where exactly will that hole take us?” Jordan asked while he covered his mouth.

“That smell, would be the smell of old urine and feces. That hole takes us to the sewer underneath the school!” Martin explained.

“I’m not going in there!” Jayme refused as she backed away from the hole.

“Do what you want princess, but if you stay here you are going to die”, Martin said as he climbed down into the hole, “Somebody carry Will and his wheelchair. We don’t want to leave him behind.”

“He’s right Jayme. We need to do what he says right now okay”, Ray said as he picked up Will, “Jordan you bring Will’s wheelchair.” Raymond climbed down the hole while holding William. Jordan followed shortly after with the wheelchair. Then Josh, Randi and Pablo climbed down the hole. Jessica started to climb down and looked at Jayme. She waited there for a bit then said,

“Well are you coming?”

“Yes... I’m coming”, Jayme said reluctantly. She started to climb down the door when she heard a noise coming from the gymnasium. The men had gotten into the school and were searching through their stuff. Jayme tried to listen in on the men’s conversation when Raymond called out to her,

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