Chapter 32: Dreams VS Reality

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"Let's find Nathan and Ray," Pablo said to Jessica, "We can't stay here to long."

"What are we going go tell them?" Jessica asked as she slowly got up.

"What do you mean?" Pablo asked, helping Jessica up.

"What are we going to tell Nathan, Ray and Melissa?" Jessica said, "They are going to question what happened to Randi as soon as we get back."

"Then we tell them the truth," Pablo stated, "What's so difficult about that?"

"Nothing is," Jessica replied, "I just don't know how they will handle it."

"They will handle it just like any other death," Pablo answered, "Others have died, and we got over it. I'm not seeing how you think Randi will be any different."

"I don't know. I guess I'm just putting her death above everybody else because she was my closest friend," Jessica stated.

"Well they weren't as close to Randi as you are," Pablo said, "To them, Randi is just another group member. Just like Martin, and Sarah. Everybody has their own biases of the people who were closest to them."

"I guess you are right," Jessica stated, "I just wish I wasn't so attached. Then I could get over these things as easily as you do, Pablo."

"It's not as easy at is looks," Pablo replied, "Unlike you guys, I grew up after the zombie apocalypse started. I don't know what life was like before that. I don't have any previous relationships. All I have are the people that I met here."

"And it seems like the number keeps getting smaller," Jessica stated, "We just can't seem to keep people alive anymore."

"I guess they just weren't capable of surviving the apocalypse," Pablo said, "We can't carry them throughout the whole country. Only the strong survive."

"Then how do you explain the people who were strong enough but didn't make it, like Jordan or even Josh," Jessica asked.

'Well, personally I don't even think that Jordan is dead," Pablo stated, "He was strong enough to survive. If he were to die, it would be because somebody took a cheap shot at him, and killed him while he was down. And then Josh didn't make it because you killed him."

"Well the Josh part is true, but the Jordan part," Jessica started, "Why would you think that Jordan was still alive?"

"Because he was strong," Pablo stated, "And I don't believe anything that Travis said. He wasn't telling the whole truth. So I think Jordan might still be out there, somewhere."

"I don't know how he could be," Jessica stated, "I hope that he is alive, and that he continues to make his way to the quarantine zone. And that one day, if he is alive, we can see each other again."

"That would be nice wouldn't it," Pablo said, "But it is just a hunch, there is no proof that he is even still alive."

"Yes it would be," Jessica said as she walked towareds the door, "I'm sure the others are getting worried about us. It's not nice to keep them waiting for too long."

"Yeah let's check through the door on the other side of the room," Pablo stated, "We should be getting close to them by now."

"Let's hope so," Jessica said as she opened the door. They walked through it and saw three figures standing a distance away from them. The figures looked towards them, then one said,

"Is that you guys, Jessica?"

"Yeah, it's us!" Jessica called back. Her and Pablo ran towards the group of people and they quickly regrouped. Jessica ran into Ray's arms and gave him a hug, immedietly braking in to tears.

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