Chapter 16: Friend or Foe

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"Did you get them to talk?" Barry asked as Josh walked out of the theatre.

"They said that they would talk. I'm going to let Samuel talk to them though. It's not my place to handle this situation", Josh answered on their way up the stairs.

"I'm sure you would be able to help. Samuel trusts you. I'm sure he would let you help out."

"I let him handle it", Josh said as he opened the door to Samuel's office, "After all, he is the person who has to make the decision."

"Oh, Josh! Did they say anything to you?" Samuel asked as Josh and Barry entered the room.

"They said that they would talk. But I didn't give them the chance to talk. I thought that I would leave that up to you", Josh answered.

"Smart boy", Samuel said as he got up, "You know when you need to intervene and you know when you need to back down. I respect that in a person. Very well. Let's go and see what these people say."

So they walked to the theatre to see the prisoners. They walked into the room and Samuel said,

"Hello folks! This young man told me that you are ready to talk. So if you wouldn't mind, could you answer a few questions?"

"Depends on the question", Jane stated, glaring at Samuel.

"They aren't difficult questions, young lady", Samuel said when he noticed her glaring, "So I would appreciate if you didn't give me any attitude. I'm already losing my patience with you folks, so don't make matters worse."

"Please excuse her", Martin started, "She has a tendancy to defy her superiors. So if you could just ask the questions we will provide you with the answers."

"Very well then. I have a large group of people who I need to protect. When we meet other survivors, we have to take certain steps to ensure that we are not in danger. So I need to know who you are, where you came from, and what are you doing here?" Samuel asked.

"We are just a group of survivors", Ben stated, "We came from Whistler. We are planning on heading to Toronto, so we can get to the Quarantine Zone. The only reason that we are here us to get through the city."

"What were you searching for? My men said that they found you in the mall looking for supplies."

"Honestly, we were looking for diapers", Jessica answered, "My baby needed to have it's diaper changed and we had run out of them."

"Well then. What do you think of this Josh? Do you think we can trust them?" Samuel asked for reassurance.

"Ya, I think that they are trustworthy. I'm sure that they didn't mean any harm", Josh answered.

"Then it's settled", Samuel started, "We will give you something to eat and send you on your way. Then you must leave the city."

"Wait. They aren't allowed to stay?" Josh asked.

"No they can't. We don't have enough supplies to feed eight more people. They have to leave", Samuel answered.

"Please sir, we have kids that we need to take care of. If we could stay one more night..." Martin started before Samuel cut him off.

"You aren't staying. I have been grateful enough to give you a meal before you go. Do not ask for anymore", Samuel said as he walked away from the group, "Come with me Barry and Josh. We need to leave these people to themselves."

"Don't you think you are being a bit tough sir? They are only asking for one night", Barry asked as they walked out of the room.

"I am a leader, Barry. I have to think about the safety of my own people. It's what a leader needs to do. Josh, you understand where I'm coming from right? You know what a leader has to do", Samuel stated.

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