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"Not much a conversationalist?"

Aries coughs into her hand. "No, I am. It's just late, me and Beth are usually in bed by now."

Dwayne nods, his eyes not relenting from where they look ahead, walking down the street of Santa Carla. It's like he's purposely looking for something, like he has no idea what's even there. Aries has never seen eyes like that like a hunters scope.

"You guys crash at 12 in the morning?"

"Sometimes. Beth likes to listen to the church bells in the early morning."

He wipes hand over his mouth, sniffing lightly. "And what do you like to do?"

She lets out a light breath, caught off guard by the sudden personal question. What does he mean? What does she like to do?

"Like the morning? Or just my normal day to day?"

Dwayne makes a face. "Both."

Very specific.

"Well, in the morning, I usually get up after Beth. I smoke a cigarette before eating something, which is usually like toaster waffles or a candy bar. Sunday is usually the day we go grocery shopping, anyway."

She glances back up at him, and he makes a gesture for her to continue.

"Sometimes I'll take a shot of vodka, just to wash down the nasty toothpaste. I usually brush my teeth after I eat. Then I get dressed, go get groceries, do my day stuff."

Dwayne nods, both of them rounding around the corner and nearing the 24/7 food shop. His eyes dart around at the few people lingering on the side walks, and Aries thinks he might have beef with those punks judging by the way his eyes slant.

"So what do you do during the day? I know I've never see you out, I would've remembered seeing a bronze God."

A smirk comes across his mouth, and he pulls open the door of the food shop. "I'm more a night person. I sleep during the day, we all do."

"Why?", Aries asks as they both step into the store, the sudden cold air catching them off guard. There isn't many people in, so they shouldn't be here long.

"That's just how we do. Plus, the board walk isn't fun until the sun goes down. The creeps come out."

Aries laughs as they walk down the aisle of chips, poking at a few bags. "Are you a creep?"

"I might be."

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