Chapter 36: No One But You...

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“So this is what happened,” Kat sat with everyone gathered around her in the study, all the servants as well as Lizzie, had gathered as soon as they had heard that Kat was alive. They had been incredulous at first and then she had been swamped by everyone. Each fighting with the other to hug her and greet her. A feat made even more difficult by the fact that Sebastian had yet to release her himself.

“During the ball, I smelled something…that was off. It was gas, that guy,” The Earl had decided that it might not be a good idea to reveal to Lizzie that a demon of the apocalypse had been at her ball so they had agreed to call him, that guy. “Had opened the valve and the gas was leaking through the entire manor. When I fired my pistol, it ignited the gas. Causing the explosion.”

“But how did you survive? There were two explosions, after the first there is no way you could have survived.” Lizzie demanded, tightening her grip on Kat’s hand.

Kat winced, and shifted her position on Sebastian’s lap, he wouldn’t hear of letting her out of his reach. This is where the tale differed, the truth and the lie that the Earl had helped her to fabricate. “After the first explosion the foundation of the manor was weakened. The floor collapsed underneath me, a slab of wood protected me from the second explosion but I was knocked unconscious. I was trapped there until one of the masons you hired found me and took me into town to a doctor. I was there for awhile recovering. I met Sebastian and My lord by chance the day I was released from the doctor’s custody.”

Lizzie winced herself, in sympathy, “I can’t believe that the mason didn’t tell me! Everyone thought you were dead! We were so sad!”

“Well I’m back.”

“For good?” Chorused the servants and Lizzie together.

Kat smiled and fell back leaned against Sebastian’s chest, “I don’t think I would be allowed to leave even if I wanted to.”

“Right you are.” Stated the butler briskly.

Everyone watched, not a few smiles of pride and satisfaction crossed faces at the sight of the two. It took them a few moment to realize that they were being watched, and Rhose would say that it was good for them. He had watched far too much of Sebastian touching his girl. If he wasn’t holding her hand he had his arms wrapped about her possessively.

It’s as if he thinks she’s his…humph…if he thinks that, he had another thing coming. Kat will only go to the man I deem worthy, no one else.

He knew it was rather unfair, for him to hold a grudge against Sebastian. The butler had tried to save Kat, and had only failed because Pestilence had forced him back.

The Death Rider’s lip curled at the thought of the weak Rider who dared to call him brother. If the The Powers That Be had not intervened he would have killed him.

And thrown the world into utter chaos…

But in return for his following the wishes of the higher power, Kat had been restored to him. When she had finally awoken he had taken them to his home. She had been confused for all of a moment before she had tried to return to the child Earl and his servants.

To be frank that had frightened him, the thought of his little girl, grown already with a place to call home and to make a home…the days of him spoiling her rotten and then training her were long gone. Days he still wanted to have.

He had told Kat this and she had pointed out the fact that she would always be his little girl and nothing would change that. That, knowing him, he would never let her stop training anyway. When she had said this he had known that he had lost, no matter what he may think, her happiness was all that was important to him.

So he had relented, allowing her to return only on the condition she finish up a few recognizance missions for him. With her Animal Speech it would take her only a short amount of time to so, but had been just enough for him to speak to his free brethren and they had agreed that it was permissible for him to give her enough of her powers that he need not fear losing her again.

He hadn’t counted on her meeting up with the butler on her last mission. He had apparently not specified the rules well enough in regards as to when she could meet them.

Kat laughed, and turned her face up to receive a kiss from the butler, making Rhose realize that the room’s other occupants had left, and realize also, that he had lost another battle.

By the look on her face, Kat wasn’t going to spend her life with anyone but the butler.


Epilogue next.....!

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