Chapter 20: Culprit Found!

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“Another mission my lord?” Kat and Sebastian stood at attention in front of the Young Earl’s massive wooden desk.

The little noble frowned seriously, “Yes, we have new information relating to the girl’s disappearances; it appears that all the girls have one thing in common, they all visited a bar on the west side of London before they vanished. I want you two to go and inquire about the girls, you may use force if necessary. The Queen is becoming more worried as more young ladies are disappearing, two every other night now. Make it quick, clean, and don’t forget you work for me, so be respectable.”


Another mission, time to test out my skills again, hopefully this time I won’t get shot. Kat slid a pair of pistols into a holster that rested on her lower back, the last of the arsenal she would take with her tonight.

She already had the wrist knives strapped to her arms, throwing knives on her belt along with a short scimitar specially designed to be short enough to be used in close combat but long enough to be able to take a blow from a much large weapon. The last few surprises she carried with her tonight was a small pack of explosives from Baldroy and long carving knife Meyrin had filched from the kitchen for her.

The small kindness they showed her was enough to make her want to cry or at least thank god for the next million years that she had stumbled into this insanity.

“Are you ready to go yet?” Sebastian opened her door, looking like his usual self.

Kat finished strapping on the thin black leather collar that would help to prevent someone cutting her throat, “Yes, where are your weapons?” he brandished a dining fork and knife like a pair of cards. “Do not worry Kat I am more than prepared.”

“Then let’s go.”

Instead of taking the carriage like they had the last time they had tried baiting the culprit Sebastian had saddled the horses, Thank god. Kat slid up into the saddle easily; she didn’t get nearly as bad motion sickness if she was on horseback. When Sebastian joined her on the back of the bay mare opposite Kat’s dark gray gelding they gave the horses a slight nudge and they were off.

Racing through the midnight air the wind cutting through her, trying to tear her hair free of the tight braid she had would it into, Kat breathed deeply. This was the kind of thing she used to do, take out a target and then race like mad away from the scene to avoid detection as discreetly and quickly as possible.

There were a few times she really missed being an assassin, the freedom that came with it that is, she could do whatever she wished and not have to think about anyone else.

But I wouldn’t trade what I’ve found for the world; it appeared that living at the manor had spoiled her a bit in that regard.

The muscles in the gelding bunched as he sailed over a fallen log, the sound of his hoof beats brought Kat sharply back to reality. That’s right, have to think, pay attention; Sebastian needs me to be as attentive as possible.


The building looked to be deserted, a lone candle flicked in the upstairs hall, the only sign someone was there at all.

It’s just like that other place…Kat took in the shoddy masonry, cracked windows, and crumbling walls. I can’t believe someone works here; I can’t imagine that it’s safe.

A chill raced down her spine, someone is watching… Kat glanced up towards the window as she dismounted from the grey gelding, looking for any sign in the windows betraying her observer.

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