Chapter 13

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'Palepaw, wake up! We'll have a training session.' Swiftstream called for her apprentice. She hadn't noticed Lionpelt walking toward her.
'I'll take Rainpaw too. They can train together.' Lionpelt meowed to her as she turned to face him. She dipped her head, turning back.
'And take Rainpaw with you!' she called.
Squals of happiness sounded from inside the apprentices' den as the two sisters joined their mentors.
'Sandy hollow? We are going to do battle training.' Lionpelt suggested, waiting for Swiftstream to nod her agreement and the four cats began to make their way into the Sandy hollow.
'Okay.' Swiftstream mewed, turning to both Palepaw and Rainpaw. 'Today we'll do some simple battle techniques.' She and Lionpelt headed for the center of the hollow, facing each other. 'Now, we will show you how to use back-kick to get rid of an attacker. Lionpelt will attack me and I'll show you.' Lionpelt nodded and hurled himself at Swiftstream. She rolled past him, and kicked him into his side, making him loose his balance and falling on his other side. He rose to his paws again, shaking the sand off his fur. 'Okay, try yourself. Rainpaw, you are the attacker, Palepaw, defend yourself. Claws sheated.' Lionpelt ordered and the two apprentices faced the other. Rainpaw lauched herself at Palepaw, but her sister was faster, rolled the way her mentor did and kicked Rainpaw to her side.
'Excelent! That was exactly what I meant. Very well, Palepaw.' Swiftstream was proud of her eager-to-learn apprentice. 'Rainpaw, defend yourself against Palepaw.' Swiftstream ordered. Rainpaw did it rightly too, but kicked after she was meant to. Lionpelt and Swiftstream shown them some other moves and left them to practise, watching them.
By the time the four cats arrived, the clan was bussy. The sunhigh patrol was back by now, and the hunting patrol was just leaving their prey on the fresh-kill pile. Swiftstream's belly rumbled. She picked a squirrel and padded to a sun-warmed patch of grass. She dropped her squirrel, settling to eat, but she saw Stormpaw approaching her, not limping anymore. 'Hi Stormpaw. Want to share?' she called to her friend.
'Hey, Swiftstream. Yes, thanks.' Stormpaw settled next to her. She could swear she heard a low growl from the fresh-kill pile.
'Turtlestar will give me and Thistlepaw our warrior names today.' Stormpaw mewed. 'She says that we will acompany her to the Gathering, along with you and Lionpelt instead of holding the silent vigil. She said we will hold it the next night instead.'
'That's great! And are you both feeling better?' Swiftstream was afraid of her friends.
'Much better! Thistlepaw's scratches are healed and I stopped limping. Greenleaf said we're fine to join you!' Stormpaw couldn't wait till the sunset. She knew why. Strompaw was meant to be an apprentice before her. He was almost a moon older that her, not to mention he would be a warrior by now. But because of whitecough he stayed with her as a kit. Your time is coming, Stormpaw.
'Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather together!' Turtlestar called the meeting at once. 'Today, the two apprentices will join their denmates. Stormpaw, Thistlepaw, step forward.' She beckoned them with her tail.
'I, Turtlestar, leader of Nightclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Stormpaw, Thistlepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your lives?'
'I do.' Stormpaw meowed.
'And so do I.' Thistlepaw joined him.
'Then by the powers of Starclan I give you your warrior names. Stormpaw, from this moment you will be known as Stormpool. Starclan honors your loyalty and wisdom and we welcome you as a full warrior of Nightclan. Thistlepaw, from this moment you will be known as Thistlepelt. Starclan honors your loyalty and strengt and we welcome you as a full warrior of Nightclan.' Turtlestar completed.
'Stormpool! Thistlepelt!' Cats began to call the names of the two new warriors, Swiftstream and Lionpelt among the first and loudest.
'Tonight is the Gathering. Instead of holding the silent vigil, Stormpool and Thistlepelt will accompany me. They shall hold the vigil the next night.' Turtlestar spoke, silencing the cats. 'Now, I shall anounce who will be coming to the Gathering. I want Woolentail, Snowclaw, Specklecloud, Swiftstream, Lionpelt, Thistlepelt, Stormpool, Rainpaw and Palepaw.'
The group of cats ran through the forest toward the Gathering place - Sun-drown rocks. Stormpool matched Swiftstream's pace as they started to talk. This will be their first Gathering as warriors. Suddenly, Stormpool heard a low growl and saw Lionpelt approach him from behind. 'Can I have a word with you, Stormpool?' Lionpelt's tone was hiding his anger. Swiftstream rolled her eyes, letting out a purr of amusement and trotted to join her former mentor, Snowclaw.
'Stormpool, you know I love her! Why are you always with her?!' Lionpelt growled when he knew Swiftstream won't hear them.
'I know. She is my friend, Lionpelt, and so are you. I always keep in mind that you love her. Stormpool eased Lionpelt's anger. But he knew he had to say something.
'Look, Lionpelt..' Stormpool's voice was barely a whisper, filled with sadness for his friend. 'There is something you should know-' Stormpool was silenced by Lionpelt. 'What?' But then they heard a small hiss and Swiftstream slowly fell behind, then hid into the bushes. 'Where is she going?' Stormpool saw Lionpelt creeping forward. 'Lionpelt! Come back!' Stormpool hissed quietly, closing his eyes. Mouse-brain..
He approached Lionpelt quietly. But it was too late. Lionpelt, wide-eyed with shock and sadness, stared at Swiftstream talking with a Bloodclan cat.
'Swiftpaw!' He heard the cat call.
'No, Swiftstream.' Swiftstream purred.
'You're a warrior! I'm Sunblaze now.' Sunblaze touched her muzzle. 'That's a beautiful name, Swiftstream' He purred.
Strompool sensed sadness flooding from Lionpelt. Suddenly, a twig cracked and Swiftstream saw him. 'Lionpelt?!' Her mew was shocked. Lionpelt turned and fled, Stormpool staying hidden.
'Go after him! Clans mustn't know!' Sunblaze meowed.
'That's what matters?! He is my friend!' Swiftstream hissed and ran into the clearing after Lionpelt.
'It's fine Swiftstream. I won't tell anyone. Just leave me alone.' Lionpelt was walking toward a beech tree, his head and tail drooped.
'But, Lionpelt..' Swiftstream's eyes were filled with tears.
'Leave me alone!' Lionpelt yowled and ran into bushes.
Swiftstream's heart sank.
'Now you know where this leads. I warned you, Turtlestar warned you and Fallowwhisker warned you too! But you couldn't see how it will end! He doesn't even care.' Stormpool's mew was harsh. He went after Lionpelt, signaling to Thistlepelt to come too.
Swiftstream's eyes filled with tears, she turned and fled in the direction of the camp. 'Swiftstream!' Turtlestar called after her.
'Lionpelt, I know she did the wrong thing, but you are the only one who can help her now.' Stormpool mewed.
'Why me? She has Sunblaze, let him help her.' Lionpelt meowed.
Stormpool turned, pointing with his tail. 'Does he care? You can prove yourself now, go after her! I'll show you where she is.' Stormpool and Lionpelt ran into the clearing, nodding to Turtlestar.
Swiftstream changed direction toward the Mirror stream. As she approached it, she dived into the water, and through the tunnel into the hunting grounds of Starclan. She jumped out of the pond, that was where the tunnel ended. She layed down, dropping her head, crying. But soon she heard a voice calling her. Sunblaze? She opened her eyes, looking at the surface. Lionpelt?! She saw him dive into the water. 'No! He will drown!' She dived into the pool and grabbed Lionpelt by his scruf, carrying him to Starclan.
'W-where are we?' Lionpelt coughed, looking around a beautiful landscape. 'Are we dead?' He asked Swiftstream.
'No. You came here through the Mirror stream, the gate to both Starclan and the Dark Forest.' Swiftstream mewed.
'Swiftstream, I'm sorry. It's just.. I loved you since kit-hood, and couldn't bear to loose you. But I will respect you and Sunblaze. But I want you to know, I'll always love you, and I'll always stand by your side if you need me.' He meowed, pressing against Swiftstream's fur. 'Thanks, Lionpelt. I'm sorry too. I should have said the truth earlier.' She rose to her paws. 'Can we get back? The Gathering isn't over yet.' Both cats dived into the pool, heading back.
By the time they approached, the Gathering was about to start. 'Cats of all Clans, welcome.' Robinstar of Fireclan started the Gathering.
'I wish to speak first.' Robinstar waited for agreement from both leaders, then spoke.
'We have three new warriors. Nightstorm, Minnowtail and Twigfur.' The three new warriors puffed out their chests, proudly. 'Then, four new apprentices. Willowpaw, Minnowpaw, Silverpaw and Brownpaw. But I bring bad news, too. Our medicine cats, Ashpelt, joined the ranks of Starclan. Our new medicine cat is Squirrelleap, and he already took his apprentice, Flamepaw.'
Hollypaw greeted Squirrelleap and his apprentice Flamepaw 'Squirrelleap! Flamepaw!' along with other medicine cats.
'I will speak now.' Turtlestar mewed. 'We have four new warriors, Swiftstream, Lionpelt, Thistlepelt and Stormpool, and two new apprentices, Rainpaw and Palepaw, who are mentored by two of our new warriors, Lionpelt and Swiftstream.' She beckoned Clawstar to speak.
'We have three new warriors, Sunblaze, Petalmist and Ivyclaw.' Clawstar spoke.
Cats were silenced by Clawstar's yowl. 'I haven't ended!' He yowled. 'I have an anouncement! Times have been difficult for Bloodclan. But we survived without the help of the other clans. My old deputy, Thornfang, retired. My new deputy is Sunblaze. I decided that there should be only one clan. The strongest - Bloodclan. This is your decision. Fight against me or join me and fight beside the strongest!' Shocked mews filled the clearing. 'Gathering dissmised. Think carefully.. Turtlestar, Robinstar, decide only the best for you clans.' Clawstar growled,eaping down the rocks, and taking his clan back. Robinstar and Turtlestar exchanged troubled gazes, but separated and lead their clans back.

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