Chapter 3

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,,So.. how was your first sleep in apprentices' den?" asked Snowclaw. ,,Well, better than in nursery. We were talking with Breezepaw and Briarpaw about the training. I can't wait to start mine training!" mewed Swiftpaw. ,,Well, off you go, then. Take Breezepaw with you, until Morningpelt will get out of the nursery, I'll be training both of you." meowed Snowclaw, turning his gaze at nursery, where Morningpelt arrived with Thistlekit and Lionkit. ,,Hey Thistlekit, you be the mouse this time, and I'll be the warrior!" mewed Lionkit to his brother. ,,You're not! I'll be warrior now!" mewed Thistlekit and started to run after Lionkit. Snowclaw seemed to smile a bit more. After all, he is their father. ,,Breezepaw! Come here! Our training starts!" Swiftpaw called for Breezepaw. ,,And what about Briarpaw?" meowed Breezepaw when she arrived. ,,Well, surely-" Snowclaw broke off as Speckletail, Briarpaw's mentor spoke: ,,Surely he will have training with me. Briarpaw! Come, we take the Cliffside today." meowed Specklecloud angrily. I suppose that's the only feeling he has. Briarpaw looked at his mentor, then ran through the fern tunnel that led out of the camp, Specklecloud behind him. ,, Snowclaw, is something wrong?" Swiftpaw asked. ,, Wrong? What should be wrong with an apprentice ceremony of my kits?" mewed Snowclaw proudly. ,,Thistlekit and Lionkit will be apprentices today?" mewed Breezepaw, ,,That's amazing! Another apprentices to train with!"
,,Okay Swiftpaw," meowed Snowclaw, ,, let's see your hunting crouch." Swiftpaw obeyed and dropped herself in hunting crouch. ,,Like this?" ,,Not bad. Not bad at all. Just don't move your tail, you will scare prey from here to Cliffside! Specklecloud will be mad at me then," mewed Snowclaw, laugher in his voice, ,,And now you, Breezepaw." Breezepaw dropped into a hunting crouch. It was so great! Like a warrior. ,,Great Breezepaw. I see that Morningpelt didn't left you without basics!" mewed Snowclaw.
Swiftpaw looked at the brambles that sorrounded the valley. As she was looking, she saw a glimpse of movement. She felt her fur bristle and let out a furious hiss. In a while she saw black fur on one side and then something hit her. A huge claws were tearing her fur at her flank. ,,Hey! Stop it!" Yowled Snowclaw angrily. As it stopped, I saw huge green eyes looking at me. ,,Ravenpaw! What were you thinking?!" It was Breezepaw who was confronting Ravenpaw, who was almost twice her size. ,,So, a new apprentice? Isn't it Crazykit?" laugher rose from Ravenpaw's throat. ,,I'm Swiftpaw! Not Crazykit, you mousebrain!" Swiftpaw let out a furious hiss, flexed her claws if Ravenpaw attacked again. ,,Ravenpaw!" A glimpse of movement came from the same place where Ravenpaw came from. ,,Nightwind, what brings you here?" asked Snowclaw. ,,Not your thing!" mewed Ravenpaw.
,,Ravenpaw! Show some respect! As my son, I want you to respect all the warriors, elders, queens and apprentices. Are we clear?" Nightwind hissed silently. There was almost no difference between Nightwind and Ravenpaw. Surely Ravenpaw was his son. But what about his mother?
,,Wollentail, you will be the mentor to Lionpaw. I hope you'll pass all your nobility and kindness to this apprentice." Turtlestar's voice rose from the Tall-rock, from where she always adressed her clan. ,,Silvercloud, you will be mentor to Thistlepaw. I hope you will pass all your strengt and loyalty to this apprentice." She continued, Silvercloud and Woolentail went to touch noses with their apprentices. ,,Thistlepaw! Lionpaw!" names of the two new apprentices were echoing from every side. ,,Congrats Lionpaw and Thistlepaw." mewed Swiftpaw. ,,Thanks Swiftpaw. Would you mind to show us around?" meowed Thistlepaw. ,,Come on, then!" Swiftpaw trotted to apprentices' den with Thistlepaw and Lionpaw next to her. ,,Here is the apprentices' den, you can take a look and find your place to sleep later. I want to show you the Dead Oak!" ,,Dead Oak?" mewed Lionpaw with amazement in his eyes. ,,Yes, c'mon! It's this way!" Swiftpaw ran through the fern tunnel with Lionpaw and Thistlepaw behind her paws. They ran through the brambles and between the trees, until they reached the Dead Oak. ,,Wow! It's huge!" mewed Thistlepaw, amazed by the ancient fallen oak near the river. ,,So it is! It's my secret place. Take a look if you want. But don't be long, it's almost moonrise!" called Swiftpaw, as her new denmates dissapeared in the tunnel of the oak.
,,Come on, we shall go back." Swiftpaw called and went back. ,,Coming!" answered Lionpaw and ran to join Swiftpaw. ,,Wait for me!" yowled Thistlepaw and joined them.

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