Chapter 6

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As the sun was setting, clan began to crowd under Tallrock. 'Tonights Gathering will be when we will see what Bloodclan is up to.' Turtlestar spoke from Tallrock,'I want no harm. Try to keep calm.'
'I wonder who will come,' Stormpaw meowed to Swiftpaw,'I hope we will see!'
'Tonight, I want Snowclaw, Woolentail, Talontail, Longclaw,
Morningpelt, Thistlepaw, Lionpaw, Stormpaw and Swiftpaw to come with me. If something happens, you are the strongest among us. We will be able to survive.' Turtlestar continued and leaped down from Tallrock. As the chosen cats began to crowd around her, Swiftpaw saw Ravenpaw watching her with narrowed eyes. She tried to ignore him and went to join her leader.
Moonlight reflected the shapes of cats running to Sun-drown rock, place where Gatherings were held. As they were close enough, Turtlestar signaled with her tail to cats to stop. They crept forward and as Turtlestar mewed they ran onto the clearing. Fireclan was already there, Swiftpaw recognised Nightpaw among them. But she also saw Sunpaw. So Bloodclan was there too. Clawstar was sitting on one of the Sun-drown rocks. Robinstar came to greet Turtlestar and both went to join Clawstar. He seemd so old. Crooked jaw, scarred face, blinded eye and many scars on his body. As the two leaders joined him he called to silence the cats.
'Cats of all clans! Let the Gathering begin!' he rasped, his voice really sounded old, 'I want to talk first.'
'As you may know, Bloodclan lives on moor. But this season's greenleaf gave us no water. Our part of river is dry. We need to tresspass your territorry and drink your water.' He continued and mews of dissaproval rose from cats of Fireclan and Nightclan. 'How can you ask us for this?!' it was Turtlestar who spoke,'When we needed your water, you didn't help us!'
'I'm not asking, Turtlestar! I'm informing you of what will happen.' Clawstar meowed. Mews came from cats below. They were angry with Bloodclan, especially with their leader. As one cat spoke..
'How can you, Clawstar?!' It was Swiftpaw, her mew silenced all the cats. 'Who dares to dissaprove me?!' Clawstar yowled. Swiftpaw came forward. 'I am! My name is Swiftpaw, I'm from Nightclan.' she meowed,'How dare you to do this?! Who do you think you are? More than Turtlestar? Or Robinstar? No! You're much less than a leader!' Clawstar remained silent, he was watching her with interrest. 'You don't deserve our help! When we needed it, you didn't give us a stupid paw-print of water! Why do you think we will give you ours?!'
'I'm not asking, mouse-brain! I'm telling you!' Clawstar yowled. 'You're a traitor, Clawstar! Coward!' Swiftpaw yelled at him. As she spoke, he leaped down from one of the Sun-drown rocks and they both started to circle, confronting themselves. 'And who are you?! An apprentice! How dare you to question a leader?!' as Clawstar yowled, he leaped at Swiftpaw, or at least he leaped on the place where she was a while ago. 'You have to be faster than that!' she meowed and Clawstar leaped again. She escaped again, he couldn't even touch her. He turned, yowled with angriness and leaped further. She pinned herself to the ground and as he was abow her, she jumped and tore his belly with her paw. He landed few fox-lenghts from her. As she turned she realized that his breath is shallow. He was loosing a life.
Shocked mews came from cats behind Swiftpaw. Clawstar laid still. Swiftpaw came to him as he started to breathe again. 'Remember me, Clawstar. Remember my face, my fur, my name... this isn't the last time we meet in a battle.' She mewed and turned to face the shocked cats. They began to yowl her name. 'Swiftpaw! Swiftpaw!' Turtlestar leaped down and went to Swiftpaw. As she reached her, Swiftpaw looked on her paws. She saw blood and let out a terrified yowl. 'Turtlestar! I'm so sorry! Forgive me!' she cried in horror,'Forgive me, Starclan!' Turtlestar gave Swiftpaw's ear a quick lick. 'I don't see any approval that Starclan is mad.' She mewed, her mew was soft,'There is something you should know about. Starclan will always stand beside you.. because-' she broke off as Swiftpaw mewed: 'I know about the prophecy.. since I was a kit. From the day Greenleaf told you about it. I heard you.'
'Then you know that you are the "One" prophecy tells us about.' Turtlestar mewed,' you are the One who will save the Three.'
'But who is the "Three"?' Swiftpaw asked. 'I don't know, but you will find it out. Now, let's inform the clans.' Turtlestar ordered and they both leaped on the rock.
'Cats of all clans! There is a prophecy you should know about.' she started but cats broke in. 'Why did Clawstar loose a life? She is just an apprentice!' 'She isn't JUST an apprentice. She is prophecied to save the Three.' Turtlestar mewed and as she looked past the clans, she added,' Now I see. Swiftpaw, you are the One who will save the Three clans..'
Swiftpaw looked at her leader and spoke: 'I am Swiftpaw, The One who will save the Three! I promise you that I will do everything to keep you safe. Starclan is speaking to me in my dreams, guiding me when I need it and they said that I will save you all.' Cats started to yowl in happiness. But one cat broke in: 'Save us from what?'
Swiftpaw saw Fallowsong, the Bloodclan she-cat looking at her with a questioning look. 'Starclan didn't say it yet. Maybe it's not the time.' she answered. 'But will Starclan remain silent if they didn't agree with Clawstar's lost of life?' Turtlestar asked the cats, 'Swiftpaw, from now on, you will have my guidance, too. I will help you if you will need it.'
Swiftpaw sat on the rock, proud. She sent a silent prayer to Starclan.
..Thank you, my ancestors..
The Gathering was officialy open. All the cats were talking to each other in harmony. At least for a moment. Swiftpaw was sitting with Stormpaw on a small sandy patch. 'How did you do that?' He asked her. 'Well.. I knew it was right.. so I did it.' Swiftpaw answered Stormpaw, but then turned to see Thistlepaw coming. 'Hi, Swiftpaw. That was great! I wouldn't want to be Clawstar right now!' Thistlepaw meowed with amazement. 'Ehh.. t-thank you, Thistlepaw. Well.. Starclan has chosen..' she mewed. As Thistlepaw went to join his brother, Lionpaw, Stormpaw meowed: 'What in the name of Starclan was that?!' Swiftpaw looked at him. 'Starclan has chosen? What's with you, Swiftpaw?' He let out a purr of laugher. 'Oh come on, Stormpaw!' she started to laugh too. But only until Sunpaw came.
'Hey Swiftpaw! I want to talk to you.' he mewed. 'Sure. I'll be soon back, Stormpaw.' Swiftpaw mewed, then rose to her paws and went with Sunpaw.
'I want to show you somebody.' Sunpaw meowed and pointed on a gray she-cat, probably an apprentice. 'This is Petalpaw. Petalpaw, this is-' Sunpaw broke off as Petalpaw spoke: 'Swiftpaw! It's nice to see you again-' she remained silent as a sandy-gray she-cat arrived and growled at her. 'Sorry, I shall go..' she mewed her bye and went with the she-cat.
'Why again? I don't remember her. Is that she-cat Petalpaw's mother?' Swiftpaw asked Sunpaw. 'Nope. Just foster mother. Blue-eye is my mother.' Sunpaw answered,' Blue-eye renamed herself, she was Blueriver. But because something she renamed herself Blue-eye.' 'Why foster mother?' Swiftpaw asked again. 'She was taken to our clan by a tom named Fallowwhisker. Nobody knows who her mother was. But what's for sure is, that Fallowwhisker was her father. He died after he gave her to our clan.' Sunpaw spoke,' she isn't my sister, but we were raised together. It was time when Clawstar wasn't Clawstar, but Flamestar. His warrior name was Flamefur. After he recieved those scars and broke his jaw he renamed himself Clawstar.' Swiftpaw's eyes widened with amazement. 'Wow.. I haven't known that Clawstar was Flamestar. But why can't Petalpaw speak with us?' 'Dunno. Blue-eye isn't this bad-tempered. I'll ask her. I have to go now. Bye, Swiftpaw!' Sunpaw mewed and ran after his clanmates. The Gathering was over.

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