Chapter 4

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'From this day forward, until he'll earn his warrior name, this apprentice will be called Stormpaw,' Turtlestar's voice was echoing from the Tall-rock as she addressed her clan,'Willowfur, you will be mentor to Stormpaw. I hope you will pass all your intelligence and nobility to this young apprentice.' Swiftpaw could see Stormpaw's pride as the clan was calling him by his new name. 'Stormpaw! Stormpaw!' Would Willowfur want Stormpaw to train with Snowclaw and Swiftpaw? After all, she is his sister.
'Got it!' Swiftpaw left out a yowl of triumph as she cought a shrew. 'Great job, Swiftpaw.' Snowclaw's voice was gentle as always. He seemed to be pleased by having his sister with him. Willowfur was showing Stormpaw hunting crouch so they could go hunting with the patrol at sunhigh. 'Good Stormpaw, take a little break. You too Swiftpaw. We have to talk, Snowclaw.' Willowfur turned to Snowclaw and they sat into a sun-warmed place in the valley they trained. 'Can I show you around?' Swiftpaw asked calmly. Stormpaw hesitated for a moment but then nodded and they ran into an open. 'This valley is so big!' Stormpaw mewed with excitement.
'It is.. but- Watch out!' Swiftpaw broke off and jumped into the bushes. Stormpaw rose to his paws and followed, almost being hit by a cat. 'Hey! Look where you're going!' Swiftpaw yowled. The cat hissed furiously as if she wanted to attack.
'Hi there!' she stopped hissing and sat down, 'sorry for that. I would have been killed if I wouldn't get in your territorry.' 'You're not from Nightclan! Get out of our territorry!' Stormpaw hissed furiously to the young she-cat. 'Sorry. I almost got cought by a fox!' she mewed, softening her voice, 'I'm Nightpaw, by the way. I came from Fireclan.'
'I guess these clan boundaries aren't that bad as with that bunch of traitors in Bloodclan!' Swiftpaw hissed. 'I'm Swiftpaw and this is Stormpaw.'
'So.. Nightpaw of Fireclan.' mewed Stormpaw. 'Yup! I haven't seen you in the Gatherings, are you newly-apprenticed?' asked Nightpaw. 'Yes, almost half a moon for me and for Stormpaw it's second day as an apprentice. But we will go to Gathering this moon! Turtlestar said she will take me and some of my friends.'
'Uh.. I smell Snowclaw and Willowfur. You should go! Quick!' Swiftpaw urged Nightpaw. As she dissapeared into bushes, Snowclaw and Willowfur arrived from the brambles. 'Come on! We have to go or we won't get to camp by sun-high. And we want to take you with us on patrol!' Willowfur meowed and jumped back into the brambles, Snowclaw and apprentices followed.
Sun was at the highest place when they reached the camp. As they entered the clearing, Swiftpaw saw Woolentail organizing hunting patrol. 'Woolentail! Who has the sun-high patrol?' called Snowclaw. 'You can take it, Snowclaw. Take a look at Sandy hollow. Silvercloud has seen some Bloodclan cats there and I don't want any intruders in our territory!' Woolentail called back,' and bring some fresh-kill too.'
'So this is the Sandy hollow?' Swiftpaw's eyes widened with amazement. 'It's huge! And almost everything is warmed by the sunshine!' 'Yes, Sandy hollow is always sunny. But dangerous too. Try to avoid adders. They like places like this, mostly with rocks.' Snowclaw pointed to the rocky wall that sorrounded half of the Sandy hollow. 'I smell Bloodclan!' Stormpaw hissed and looked up the wall. Three cats were trotting along it. 'Bloodclan intruders!' Snowclaw yowled furiously, making the three cats looks at them.
'Thornfang! Why are you tresspassing our territory?!' Snowclaw questioned the Bloodclan deputy. Swiftpaw recognised Fallowfire, a ginger she-cat that has fought against a fox by herself. There was also an apprentice she didn't know. 'Snowclaw, we need to hunt. Our clan will starve with leaf bare comming! The prey is scarce in our part of the forest! We need your prey! No matter what!' Thornfang yowled and Fallowfire launched herself at Willowfur, Swiftpaw and Stormpaw were fighting Ivypaw, the Fallowfire's apprentice and Thornfang attacked Snowclaw. The battle was soon over as Snowclaw tore Thornfang's ear and Willowfur left some deep wounds on Fallowfire's flank. Ivypaw was fighting furiously but as Thornfang yowled a commend of retreat, she backed away. 'And don't dare to come back!' Snowclaw meowed and turned to the way they came.

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