Chapter 5

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'Hey Swiftpaw, wanna join the patrol around the river to the Cliffside? We have to check if Some of the Bloodclan warriors aren't tresspassing our territory.' Snowclaw meowed to Swiftpaw. 'Okay, I've never been to Cliffside! Who's comming with us?' Swiftpaw mewed. 'Talontail and Whitethroat. They are free so they can join. Now that Longclaw has joined warriors, Whitethroat is free to join patrols.' Snowclaw turned to grey she-cat with splash of white fur on her neck. 'Yes, I'd like to! I've never been there!' Swiftpaw purred.
'We're almost there,' meowed Snowclaw, 'what do you smell, Swiftpaw?' 'A squirrel! And... fox! ..But it's stale.' mewed Swiftpaw with a small hiss. 'Very good. Let's go, we have to check whole part of the forest that is close to Bloodclan territory.' He led the patrol along the trees when the soil became a bit sandy.
'This is beautiful! Look at that water below us!' Swiftpaw mewed with excitement. 'Watch out. That water is endless, you could easily drown! Stay away from the gorge!' Snowclaw ordered Swiftpaw and the rest of the patrol. Talontail re-marked the territory and slowly they began to trot into the forest. 'Eh.. Snowclaw? Can I stay a while? I promise I will be back to you before you can say "mouse"!' Swiftpaw asked her mentor. 'Okay, but avoid the gorge.' As he answered, they began to dissapear unter the bushes in the forest. Swiftpaw was left alone.
Swiftpaw turned and walked to the edge of the gorge. It was so big! So beautiful. But as she was standing there, the cliff's edge broke and throw her off. 'Help! Snowclaw! Anybody, help!' she yowled, but no answer came. She was slipping quickly. She could see herself drowning in the Endless water, but her mind was broken by a voice: ' Hold on!' She didn't know that sound. Who was it? Then, the light faded and remain just darkness.
'Hey, are you fine?' the voice had brang her to life again. 'Wh-where am I?' she was really shaken. 'You slipped off the cliff. I heard you so I came.' the tom-cat answered. As she looked up, she saw a light ginger-orange tom with yellow, almost amber eyes. 'Who are you?!' she rose to her paws with a quesstioning look. 'I'm Sunpaw. I.. I'm from Bloodclan.' the tom answered. Swiftpaw couldn't believe: 'Bloodclan?!'
'What are you doing in Nightclan territory?!' Swiftpaw hissed at Sunpaw. 'I just saved you! I coukd hear you as I was at our side of the Cliffside.' Sunpaw meowed, calm. 'Eh.. sorry Sunpaw. Thank you,' she mewed to him,'I smell my clan. Go. Now!' Sunpaw ran back to the forest and dissapeared.
'Swiftpaw! What happened?!' Snowclaw sounded worried, helping Swiftpaw stand up. 'I.. the cliff broke and I fell. But he saved me..' she mewed. 'Who helped you?' Snowclaw asked. 'Well.. S-Sunpaw from Bloodclan..' she bowed her head, shaking. 'Bloodclan?! And Sunpaw? That son of the biggest traitor of the forest?! Son of Clawstar?!' Snowclaw yowled with fury. 'Clawstar's son?..' Swiftpaw couldn't believe what she just heard,'But.. he saved me! That doesn't matter who he is!' 'It does! You can't believe a word from Bloodclan! And not from Clawstar, or his son!' Snowclaw hissed,' come! We're going back.'
But.. he saved me.. I know he is different. He is not like Clawstar..

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