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You may think I'm crazy.

Well if you do, you've got that right.

But I've planned all this out...sort of.

I'm getting the tickets today and then we will be leaving in two days.

I told you I'm crazy.

I want Mara to be happy, and she will be. She deserves nothing but happiness; that's all she's given me, so it's time I pay her back for making my life complete.

Finishing her list is a priority, but I want to take her on a date.

I know she's already my girlfriend, but I feel like me asking her out was all too rushed.

Of course I love her, but I want to show her that it wasn't just a heat of the moment type thing and that I actually want to be with her.



Today is the day.

We leave for Paris.

We worked out that we were going to stay for a week then when we get back he'll go straight to London.

Yeah, I picked up on it when he told me, I'd just forgotten about bringing it up until yesterday.

He was furious he had to leave, I could tell but he was trying to hold it back.

Obviously he didn't want to leave, but he'd only be gone for a little bit then he'd be back.

But for now I don't want to think about that; I'm going to Paris!

I started packing yesterday so I only needed a few more essentials and then I'd be ready.

Grabbing my toothbrush, hairbrush, makeup bag and toothpaste, I place them into the front pocket of my suitcase and haul it downstairs.


It seems like forever but we finally board the plane and it begins to take off.

Excitement bubbles inside me as I visualise how fun this is going to be.

Deciding I need a rest, I lay my head back against the seat and begin to dose off.

"Mara, wake up." I grunt as someone attempts o wake me up.

"Ten more minutes.." I mumble. I hear a chuckle and then a voice.

"Mara, look." Says an amused voice. I huff and open my eyes.

I am greeted by beaming sun and something large in the distance.

It looks like...The Eiffel Tower...WE'RE IN PARIS.


Just a filler, sorry it's bad.

Trying to finish this story 😂


-Zoe 🐢💜

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